
2:50 어디에서 살아요? eodi eseo sarayo?
-Where do you live in?

4:20 지금 미국에 살고 있어도 켈리포니아에 살고싶어 jigum mikuk e salgo isseodo california e salgo shipeo
- I live in America now but I want to live in california.

어디에서 살고싶어? eodieseo salgoshipoe? 
- Where do you want to live?

미국? migook?
한국? hangook?
- Korea? 
중국? joongook?
- China? 
어디? eodi?
- Where?

6:37 왜 한국어를 배우고있어? whe hankukeorul baeugoisseo?
- Why are you learning Korean?

K pop좋아요? K pop joayo?
- Do you like K pop?

7:35 어느 K pop 그룹을 제일 좋아해요? eonu k pop grubul jail joahaeyo?
-What is your favorite K pop group?

나는 크로스진을 제일 좋아해요 nanun crosjeenul jail joahaeyo
- My favorite group is cross-jean.

8:29 한국음식 좋아해? hankukumshik joahae?
- Do you like Korean food?

나는 한국음식 괜찮은데 떡볶이하고 순두부하고 된장찌개 김치찌개 다좋아요 근데 김치...ㅠ 김치 맛없어 nanun hankukumshik gwenchanundae ddukbokki hago soondooboo hago dwenjangjjigae kimchijjigae da joayo. gundae kimchi..kimchi madupseo
- I do like Korean food. like dduk bo kki, soon doo boo, dwen jang jji gae, kimchi jji gae..I like them all, but kimchi's taste isn't good.

9:56 지금 몇시야? jigum myossiya?
- What time is it now?

지금 어디에요? jigum eodieyo?
- Where are you now?

나는 고양이를 진짜 귀여워해요 nanun goyangirul jinjja gweyeowoyo
- I think cat is sooo cute!

10:53 ^^좋아요? joayo?
- Is it ok?

좋다! jota
- good!

12:34 잘가! 잘가~or 잘자! jalga! jalga~ or jalja!
- Good bye! Good bye~ or Good night!


Oh :D Heather! Your Korean is good!


I miss a lot of youtubers for who they, "use to be" but I have been watching you since you had 10k or so and you haven't changed a bit. Still the same ole' lovely Heather I know and love. It's almost nostalgic just thinking about then. Zeros and ones on a computer screen somehow manage to hold so many thoughts. Although your hair has changed a lot and it's even cuter. /rant


It's like an unending loop of -
Going underwater
Coming out
One ear pops
The other ear pops


That feel when the ASMR is so relaxing you'd rather keep listening than actually go to sleep.


Didn't know you can speak Korean! 한국인분들이 너무 좋아할거같아요! :) I love your new hair


한국시간으로 아침에 올라온 asmr!!!! 오늘밤 자기전에 듣겠어요 ㅋㅋ


thaks 젤리빈💕💕 한국어를 너무 잘하셔서 한국말하는 목소리가 너무 듣기 좋아요;-] 매번 좋은 영상 보여줘서 고마워요!!!!


한국에서 매일 Ear eating 영상을 봤는데, 한국어 영상이 나올줄은 상상도 못하였어요! 오늘 밤에는 이 영상을 보고 잠 들어야겠어요. 서툰 한국말이 정말 귀여우세요 😍


한국어 영상이라길래 한두마디 나오고 끝날줄알았는데 대화도 하고 열심히배운 티가나네요♥ 순두부얘기나올때 좋았어요 ㅋㅋㅋ 좋은 영상고맙습니다❤❤


Like the vid even though I don't understand the Korean. I like your new backdrop, and you look super confident in this video. Love seeing you smile.


I love the korean whisper video you already have up so this is a nice treat, thank you so much! ^_^


I honestly think she can pull off any hairstyle she wants.


im depressed and cant sleep, i just had tingles for the first time and now im crying at 4am, this is awesome and confusing, thanks oO


저는 오전4시에 방탄의 봄날 mv위해서 일어났어요. 지금 오후12시 인데 이 영상이 저를 졸리게 하고 있어요. ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
2년반 동안 한국어를 배우고 있는데 저도 아직 존댓말와 반말을 혼동되거든요 ㅎㅎ 
한국어 asmr 감사합니다 
잘봤습니다 언니^^


in case you see this, all this time later. Your asmr stuff still is one of the best. Especially in   how things somehow keep getting more stressful


한국어 영상 얼마나 기다렸는지 몰라요 일어난 지 얼마 안 됐는데도 젤리빈 님 영상 보니까 다시 졸려지는 기분... ❤


Heather, I wanna say thank you for introducing Asmr to me. You have been my number one favorite Asmrtist on YouTube. Every video you post always gives my ears tingles, and your beautiful in every video. I hope more people will discover your channel -Love Alex


the microphone settings in this video were amazing. sounded so good


Oh wow, it's like some of your first videos! Now with a better mic!