
I had a super bad trip and thought I'd never recover from it, but one week went by and I was back to my old self


I've been using mushrooms for about a year, mainly a couple of pieces of chocolate,  had some nice trips, I did the tea method for the first time, and it started off good, then it went south really bad, but once I got past the bad part I realized why I was put through that, my intention was to be more open to emotions, and be more vulnerable.  The mushroom put me in a flight or fight situation that made me very vulnerable to see what it is to really deeply need people in my life.


I call them challenging trips. Perspective is powerful.


You're really good at putting into words all of the concepts I have learned over the years and know to be true. Thanks for making these videos, they're very helpful to share with friends to reinforce ideas I am not very good at explaining myself


You're a fuggin legend Tom. Good to have you back man


My mate Tom, i'm happy your content has shifted towards addressing the meaning crisis. It feels like the right fit for you.


I had bad many bad trips on acid but more good than bad because it's all about the energy you are in at the particular time of doing psychedelics, and the benevolent energies that you surround yourself while you're on them


last time i did ayahuasca i thought i was going to die, i had physical symptoms i sweating a lot felt weak af i didn't even have the time do think or pay much attention to my psyche i was in a survival mode i just thought "im mortal i could really die today" shit was intense... but then i lay down and just let go idk how but i just took total responsibility of everything that i was going through and my will power make me face to face to death i wasnt afraid anymore, then eveything became still i started chanting mantras. I called to Green Tara, invoked the presence of the Gods and buddhas that i have affinity it was like i was in the presence of the Gods it was beautiful.


As someone with Autism who has tried to ignore it and acted like it's just about "mental transmutation". Mental transmutation is definitely a thing, but ignoring my diagnosis didn't help me. Focusing on it solely is 100% not a good thing. But it is definitely a solid reason and guideline for how my brain works, and for why I have been treated badly most of my life, and why I don't understand social situations the way that I'd love to. I think there's a disease that people contract, where whenever your life is going right, you think that you have the answers and can tell everyone else how they can live their life. You can try and guide them towards your perspective, but ultimately you aren't even effecting or helping their life only just becoming a distraction towards that person's understanding that they've already gained about that life. I find especially with autism that I have done this, as a way to make my own path seem more meaningful than it actually is. Ironically I'm probably distracting you as well. But perspectives are different and ultimately my own autism has made my life extremely difficult in unnecessary ways that neurotypicals definitely do not have to deal with, and I'm not going to let someone else tell me how I'm supposed to perceive reality that they themselves do not understand.


On my 3rd psychedelic trip, I did 200ug of some strong ass acid. I had done double 150 about a month before assuming it was a stronger dose cus more acid even though that’s just parachuting 150. On I barely eat, took acid with my mate and walked + smoked for a bit until the come up started, but was getting anxious. By the time I was at his place I was pretty high already and was stressing about it. Then for some stupid reason I hit a bong, and not long after I was on the verge of a breakthrough I was not ready for. It all looked like a paranoid cartoon and I could feel the insane amount of anxiety in my back. I’m pretty sure it was some sort of psychosis, since I forgot what the old world looked like completely and was fully convinced I had fucked my brain permanently.Even through this shitshow, I came out of it and reflected on how I acted. I realised I had been hiding my anxious mindset and that I needed to work on it, same with letting others drag me around. I don’t need to go into the details, but it felt like I was seeing my worst parts of myself from different eyes, which is amazing. I could see my issues as if it was written on paper and for about 3 months after I had more and more realisations about myself. Only negative was that it increased my overall health anxiety, specifically the anxiety of developing schizophrenia (I still have the fear) but with therapy I can fix that. The insight towards something so negative can change something so bad to something absolutely mind blowing. Don’t regret that trip one bit :)


Omg tom you’re so healed


It's easy as finding whatever needle in the haystack is poking your mind. Find the reason for your bad experience to turn it into a good one. Intergration is the key.


Thank you Tom, i had an insight right at the moment when you talked about awareness, specifically imagining our emotions as energy that flows through you. 
 Makes it much easier to understand and accept these emotions, at the same time focusing on changing "the energy " that flows through you is also much easier to conceptualize and get done, rather than sitting and marinating on thoughts like : "i am a depressed person and that is me" because even depressed people still have some moments of joy and happiness and they know it, but deny it and bury it.


Am watching this vibey video during a storm on the coast.. and far out, my last acid trip was about 3 weeks ago, and I could not stop myself from laughing with my friend.. could barely breathe at some of the things being said.. about the universe.. very funny stuff. Enjoying the content heaps man, surreal topics and well very well explained. 
Loving it :) .


The thought that enlightenment could be a heavy burden doesn't seem to cross most people's minds.


The horror of the void sounds extremely familiar. It's almost like fear had destroyed my ability to extend my mind. I guess that's fear as the "mind killer." I'm not sure why but by the end of this video I was feeling much better. Thank you Tom.


Dismissing the value of therapy by reducing it to staying stuck in trauma and instead encouraging people to work through their trauma with unlicensed coaches that help with goal setting seems entirely contrary to the point of this video. 

My therapist has been a crucial resource in recovering from bad trips and finding meaning in them, specifically because of their training and experience in understanding trauma, how it affects the brain and body, and how to process it.


Really great content here! You're very wise beyond your years.


I really loved the video!

Your way of explaining is great and I could feel and visualize what were you saying.

P.S. The LOTR part was perfectly placed.

P.P.S. In the end of the video you showed us a practical way of dealing with sudden and strong emotions.


I realised the same after a bad trip. It's all depends on what glasses you're wearing. I mean even if you didn't wear glasses.

And you can change your glasses... I think. Sometimes it needed some time and force.