
Watch  Necrit's "The world of Riot's mmo is done" or something like that was the title. It gives a more modern recap of the events, talks more about important characters and places as well as expands upon species living on Runeterra


Nux talking about Mordekaiser is all i needed today, thank you


40:30 that's why in "to ashes and blood" the choir chants a Shuriman prayer, to the wind spirit/goddess, Jan'ahrem, better known as Janna.


"SHE'S STILL ALIVE?!" Is my favorite part of the video


Oh my goodness LETS GOOOOOOO
Edit: Also this is 5 years ago and especially with arcane now being canon, a lot of things have changed. This vid isn't completely outdated, but smth tells me Necrit will need to do a remake very soon


48:46 Nux I'm pretty sure you didn't notice it, but the raven on Swain's shoulder is the same raven we see at the end of Arcane S2. Its name in the lore is Raum and it's considered to be the demon of secrets. I really hope you can make a major lore dive into the whole demonology of Runeterra because not only is it well written (as possibly most of the lore is) it's also packed with absolutely sick characters and stories, some being my personal favourites (looking at you Fiddlesticks IYKYK)


God i hope League becomes Nux's next Warhammer. League lore is just amazing all around and i can't wait to see his reaction to all of it


Singed left a lasting mark on Noxus, effectively traumatizing the nation. While Demacia fears magic because they understand its destructive potential, and Noxus covets magic for the same reason, Singed demonstrated the terrifying power of science—something that can be even more unsettling than magic.


42:30 Except that Venice is a network of artificial islands built on the seafloor to facilitate trade, while Zaun became an artifical canal carved into the landmass. A similar scale of earthmoving for the same reason, but without Da Vinci around to make sure the whole thing didn't collapse and kill everyone.


16:00 On those eastern continents, we have gotten confirmation of their existence mainly through the ruination event and Nilah. The ruination event revealed the existence of the continent as well as the nation of Camavor, while Nilah's lore reveals their neighbor, Kashkan. Viego, the last king of Camavor and the Ruined King, was also the cause of the ruination and turned the blessed isles into the Shadow Isles.


wait until Nux finds out how metal mordeikaizer is, because his armor is made of solidified souls.


Under 1 hour gentleman


There is only one spin off in works. The guy in the interview said they got 3 ideas where to go with the story in next show/ lore. One guy missunderstud it and it spread.


I actually fully believe that Swain will be a huge factor in the next Arcane story. I think the multiple instances of crow visuals in the ending proves it.

Side note: You might be interested in the songs put out by Falcon Shield. The This is War series is all about League of Legends champions and nations. The first one is about Noxus vs Demacia. Second is Piltover vs Zaun.


I see Darius being the main character of the Noxus chapter of Arcane. He has a great story and it would also be fun to see him and Draven grow into their own. Katarina and Talon will most likely have their own side stories as well.


i really like that youre putting your lore dives on the main channel. you should also watch the fiddlesticks trailer, its so good and just over a minute long


the best thing to do to know champions is to watch video of the champion lore and listen to their voice-line 
it gives you everything you need to know


Let’s see how long it takes for Nux to react to Muta disavowing him as a friend publicly


50:06 Jhin's login screen theme is one of the best pieces of music Riot ever put out


There are several quotes:
• There is nothing as dangerous as cornered prey.
• The most dangerous opponent is one with little (or nothing) to lose and everything to gain.