If it is aliens it's hardly surprising that it's accelerating away from Earth. That would suggest that they're intelligent.
This is obviously an interstellar joint.
I appreciate your non-biased report, presenting both the 'for' and 'against' sides of the argument. Very professional!
“Both sides have really impressive resumes, but really that does not matter, what matters is that each sides arguments hold up in the face of the evidence” This is an important thing to always keep in the back of anyone's mind regarding pretty much anything.
I wish more YouTube channels approached topics the way you do. I appreciate that you can talk about these fascinating ideas and hypotheses with optimism and a sense of wonder while also being able to take a step back and looking at it from a scientific and realistic perspective.
Great video! The problem most objective observers would have with this proposition is that the sensationalism is used for private profiteering and book sales rather than actual scientific inquiry and dialogue. One thing is to publish rebuttals and papers arguing your point, another is to turn it into a sensationalist headline to sell a book. I don't think it would be very easy to recover from this blow academically, but then again, I'm not a Harvard chair (or any other furniture for that matter).
I swear, one of the best voices there is around. Talent has to be admitted and this is genuine talent. Good luck
Just ran into this channel a few days ago and it's absolutely fantastic; everything from the explanations of complex topics, the objectivity with loaded questions that show both sides of the picture, and the very Sagan-esque deep philosophical nature of the narratives Professor Kipping brings into a lot of these massively complex questions we ask ourselves. Going to be excited every time I see a new video on this channel. Keep up the awesome work!
Thank you for presenting both sides so thoughtfully. There are too few like you. It's the only position that aligns with the spirit of science. Everyone these days wants to have a rock solid opinion on everything. It's just not healthy.
I’m literally binge-watching this channel rn. It’s unbelievably good.
I read Dr. Loeb's book a few years ago and did find his argument about the shape of Oumuamua to the most compelling, so thank you for explaining fact 4 in such great detail.
Swung by earth. Saw more humans. Left faster than they came.
Aliens rolled us one huge backwood
It would be hard to find a more professional presentation than this. Well done, sir.
If in 5-10 years, we don’t detect another Oumuamua like object, we will look back and really begin to consider if it was really an alien probe. The most disappointing thing is that we will never know for sure what it was.
The voice, content, music and tone. Reasons why this is my favorite channel. Keep up the good work and thank you.
Again, your clarity of speech is very pleasant to me as a non-native speaker.
Imagine the inhabitants of Proxima Centauri B doing podcasts about the radio signals they're seeing from Earth NOT being aliens.
#6 definitely made my jaw drop a little bit. Also good on David Kipping for calling out the unscientific ridicule of anyone who posits extra-earth intelligence. There's no question we've endured lunacy in popular culture concerning the idea (ancient aliens series comes to mind, esp the last few seasons), but that can't allow us to disparage legitimate careful methodical scientific inquiry.