10:01 did i hear a masterwank? challenge accepted!
I leveled to paragon 200 thinking I’m just very unlucky with tribute not dropping. Then realised I didn’t finish the quest line for the tribute. Definitely one tips for me.
I'll just add a thing about Tribute. Legendary and Ascendant tributes. Resolute = Solo, found in Whisper Caches. United = Groups, found on World Bosses
I rolled for the 50M mythic option and got exactly what I was looking for. The 1 time the RNG gods were on my side.
I've had a major stroke and I used Diablo my favorite game as therapy and play consistently it's all I can do my family tells me I should stream I'm just checking if anyone would even watch i do a lot of experiments to find easy to play builds that are powerful enough to do all content and are easy enough for even someone as disabled as me to play.
Thanks for the video, was more insightful than i thought. Very strong information on where to get what, without ruining gameplay by knowing all the loopholes. Great content as always!
Thanks Rhykker. Another solid video that was very informative and helpful.
+TIP Finish the deeds of the champion quest line, I feel not many people do. You get full transmog set (fairly decent), cat mount + cat mount armour. Totally worth it in my opinion.
I completely missed the xp well in dungeons feature that was added recently, thx for the tip!
Not all tributes work for the whole party. each tribute is either for a single player or a party, and it tells you which kind it is.
Just wanted to say thank you. 🙏 I’ve been watching you for years now. As a casual player there is just too much I don’t know about D4. 😢
Thanks for the tips! Been watching your channel since early D3 days
Im doing pretty good, just got my first two mythics yesterday, tyresls might, and heir of perdition
i didn't know about the mythic crafting at the jeweler at first and wasted my first sparks on blacksmith, thankfully it gave me a shako lol
I'm swimming in sparks and yet I still watch Rhykker's vid :)
You can run 3 essence at one time, type 1 , 2 , and 3 for 15 percent . Plus potion and opal. I also suggest running regular nmd to find the xp bonus well in some dungeons.
Fell for the mythic cache once, actually got my Harlequin which I needed. Insane luck lol
Run 3x incense for sure for the extra XP. instead of the single......one from each power level and stack them. I also misunderstood how temper resets work. I initially thought you get the new attempts but your previously picked tempers also were reset. Not the case, so if you had one good one and one bad one, you can keep that and plug away at replacing the bad temper.