Hi Gabrielle! I'm an undergraduate astrophysics student at UC Berkeley, and I actually gave a final presentation on this exact topic for a geodynamics class about a month ago! This was very well researched and presented, you put my presentation to shame! I wish I'd found this video a few weeks ago :)
Very engaging video. Good work👍
Wow your student is really well spoken and makes an excellent presenter
Wow she's so good! She needs her own channel :)
that was really close encounter, very nice
Love videos from Cool Worlds!
Very insightful and coherent presentation of the idea behind this type of observation. Thanks!
Actually that wasn't confusing at all. Perfect explanation. Thanks!
Love the enthusiasm! So is an iron core the only way a planet has a magnetic field?
Can the boundary conditions be extreme? Like almost pure iron or pure silica etc?
If the planet had moons and they were detectable ,one could detect the amount of iron by the distance from the planet to the moon and the size difference .
reminds me of monetary models for getting the inside spread of price quotes.
Gabriel will do everything. Hello from Israel
Hmm, fascinating, what are the CRF's of the 8 planets in our solar system?
Great job Gabrielle. Your spunk and intelligence are a great match. Would a successful starshade project give us definitive answers about exoplanet composition?
Dibbs on all those samples.
Question; Brown Dwarfs, ultraplanet or failed star?
Gabrielle, nagyon büszkék vagyunk Rád!