there are no parallel universes there is only one, now it's in the Spiritual real where all the possibilities exist and are extracted from for each thought or actions we take in this life time!
the concept of "parallel universes" is more of a metaphorical way to describe the complex and unique properties of quantum computing, such as superposition and entanglement. These properties enable quantum computers to perform multiple calculations simultaneously, which can be likened to exploring multiple possibilities at once
The laws of nature do not change; the theoretical description of nature occasionally changes.
Myriad outcomes, what a mind-boggling consideration. Whew!
We need to reveal the depth of quantum physics in terms of stochastic process.
matter did not change or was discovered or created, it has always been there, placed there by the creator for whatever reason, he only knows, and now it will be used for evil not for good!
at 3:07 " Quantum Entanglement... A phenomenon where two particles become interconnected." I think know, I understand JADA SMITH when had an Entanglement. She was getting Inter-connected in different way, I guess...
Who is making these videos
If you believe in a multiverse than you should believe in a heaven & a hell!!!
Very good interesting podcast Love it I love podcast who analyse Cern Large Hadron Collider and now Quantum technologie chip willow Have a good weekend Everyone here ⚘️🌷🌹🔮✨️✨️
Parallel universe but at quantum level.
Ciekawe jak lustro kozyriewa wplynelo by na trip psychodeliczny
Quantum technologie is in parralell with Cern Large Hadron Collider that is wy they need cern to create Those Quantum chips I analyse and study the Large Hadron Collider Cern from 8 april 2024 Very interesting podcast Now this year i will study Quantum technologie
Research the Marijuana plant with it
Climate change? 😂😂😂
Where are google chip 😂😂 both lies
Great... Well doing ongoing technology processing...🌐✅🙋♂️
What Bullshit