1. Try listening to nature sounds if regular music distracts you too much. Spotify has good playlists with ocean, rain, etc. sounds to try. 2. Putting a sticker or logo of your dream college on your planner gives you a little more motivation to work hard. 3. Print out multiple copies your schedule and put it in your locker, room, and the fronts of your binders so you always know what order your classes are in and when you have free time. 4. If you have a mac and you have to use your laptop for assignment, turn your messages on do not disturb to help you focus.
gets ready for bed SAREENA JUST POSTED gets on phone and watches video then starts watching others Sareena,I love you sooo much,such an inspiration.
I need these study tips when I go to college 😭
I have an incredibly helpful tip for college. make a google document and gather around 5-10 people who want to participate and share the document to them. So basically during a professor lecture, every lecture the group drops down notes into the google document in separate pages. If there are any confusing parts to the lecture you drop down a question in a different colored text and the rest of the person tries to answer the question. Not only does it answer questions for confused people but it also refreshes the memory of the person who answered it
Regarding the music thing: When studying subjects like math,it helps to listen to familiar songs with lyrics you know by heart already,so they wont distract a lot. When studying subjects like sociology,history or anything where you need to read a lot of pages of material with little or no pictures,listen to music without lyrics. I like music like God is an Astronaut and similar bands but my boyfriend prefers gaming or anime music because it hypes him up for studying. :)
I use Tip #4 all the time and it's so helpful! I also use specific albums because it gets me in the study mood
school starts in a week for me so I'm binge watching your videos!
my own personal tip: i have a school agenda/planner and i used to never use mine but i got some nice pens and markers and started making it pretty and i write down EVERYTHING (even if i dont need to) in my agenda now!
We're going into college at the same time (I just moved into my dorm) but I always feel like you're several steps ahead of me... and I love it! Feels like I have a very academics-oriented sister coming along with me. I love your channel and try to utilize your advice all the time. Much love
Find online practice tests!! For example, search “protein synthesis test” and do one or two. Sometimes you get lucky and your teacher uses the exact same test.
my biggest problem is that i start studying one day and then i go to sleep and when i wake up the next morning i dont feel like studying at all, its like my motivation has changed during my sleep. if anyone can help me , ill be happy
i like printing pictures i like and putting them on my notebooks/binders bc it makes me happy every time i see it ahah i need any happiness i can get in school :)
Congratulations 🎊 for 300k!
I don't often comment but I just want to say how much I love your videos! They're super informative and aesthetically pleasing but fun and entertaining at the same time!!! (Which is so hard to find) You've inspired me to start a studyblr and take school a little more seriously this year! I really love stationery and learning so I want to make it fun again. Anyways, I loooove your videos and your tumblr, thank you so much for sharing what you create with us and motivating the laziest student (me)!!!
Very strange to you guys, probably, but for me, sometimes I get really burnt out after working on one thing for too long. I work, and work, and work, and I get to a point where my brain just says no and I need to take a break. And I do. Just not one of those chillax and scroll through tumblr breaks. What I do is refocus on a totally different topic. I know left and right brains supposedly don't exist, but if I get burnt out doing a right brain activity, I move to a left brain activity. That way I can still be productive while still resting parts of my brain.
OMG OMG CONGRATS ON 300K!!!! Ive literally been binge watching you all day haha. I can't wait until you hit 1 million!!!
idk why but this video got me soo much more motivated for school
why did I just watch literally 9 back to school study tip videos while procrastinating my summer homework...
Thank you!! I start school this Thursday and I needed to see something to prepare me for the back to school season.