
bro flickzy uses 3.3 x and y 1600dpi which is 6.6 800dpi just letting you guys know he used to use 8.9 x and y but that was a year ago and change his settings and sens so codelife you can do a settings review on flickzy he showed his settings in one of his twitch streams .


Guys stick to your own build and what your comfortable with. Everyone has thier own playstyle


Nice rezon clip XD love the vid thanks


Logitech G Pro Superlight 2 o Razer Viper V3 Pro? Which one is the best


i use an ultra wide and find i need to bump the xy up a bunch at 800dpi - anyone else finding the same? these pros use 1080p so i guess it works better for that


Should I upgrade to gpx 2 or get dav3 pro or viper v3 pro? Currently have the gpx 1, have large hands and use palm grip


Just after I bought a mouse😭


I’ve been using 4% x and y and 190% build and edit boost on 1600 dpi


Geez I was playing 24.5 x and y on 1600 dpi


Summary: most pros use either a logitech g pro superlight or a viper v3 pro, with a sensitivity typically between 6-9% (800 dpi)


mongraal is now using 7.2% x and y and will be making switch to g pro, idk if he means superlight, superlight 2 or just normal g pro


I play zero build so i can use a slower sens and not change target sens, works just fine😆 If i did play with build, i would probable be using 6% with 60% target, feels nice to me.


bro share mouse grip as well...


Do this video but with keyboard s


Bugha just switched back to the Logitech G Pro X Superlight 2


Can make a video about Vico settings plz


Thank you so much! i beat my friend in a 1v1 10-0


What’s a good 1600 dpi sens and targeting for not much mouse pad room?


Do this but with mouse grips


can you do controller players next pls