
Thank you again Ariken for another mesmerising production. You are my go to channel for the Martian pix because you not only show the details of each panorama, you give us NASA's details; lots easier than researching each individual pic. And your music is top notch


It still blows my mind that this images are from another planet


Very much enjoy these presentations you provide, Thank you Arikien ! :)


This particular video is especially mesmerizing... and may I say... ponderous. You always do such an excellent presentation --- even after 40+ videos of Martian Images from NASA there are always unexpected surprises !! Thank you as always !!!


Amazing images and video. Thank you very much.


I guess its a geologists dream but other than that ole Mars looks like a pretty rugged trip.  Outstanding photos though and good music background.  Thank you!


I so love these images. Ever since I saw the images of Mars polar caps when I was 10..totally fascinating.❤


I wish my grandfather had lived long enough to see this.  When I was a child staying over at the grandparent's place, he'd sit and read his Field & Stream magazine on Sunday mornings, when reruns of Star Trek would air.  He'd watch with me, as the crew of the Enterprise would visit new worlds.  He'd ask me, "You really think it looks like that?"  This might have answered his questions.


Mar's landscape is like the bottom of the ocean without the water.


Excellent images of Mars unique surface 🎉


The images are beautiful ❤


Mankind really has to start taking care of the environment.  I saw a spork, a Potato Ole container and a couple plastic bags there.


Amazing! No aliens, but beautiful!


First from Brazil!


Это выглядит так,будто после большого количества воды,источник вдруг высох и появилась корочка.


North Canada or closer to Alaska!


The problem with these pictures is that I can't judge scale. Maybe on the side, add like a car size to judge ariel pictures.


Hey look !!! Itz FUTURE EARTH !!


Looks pretty much the same as what I saw in 1976 when viking landed to me. 🤷🏼


I told the NASA people to get that go cart off my land!!!!!!!