
Tzeentch vs Khorne - 10:50
Tzeentch vs Skaven - 43:35
Tzeentch vs Greenskins - 1:14:05
Tzeentch vs Dark Elves - 1:44:35
Semis - 2:21:35
Finals - 2:49:15


Been enjoying your content for a really, really long while now and never gave back because I never catch streams. You seem like a really great person. I hope everything works out for you in those stressfull times.


The burning heads in that game against Tretch were insane lol. Racking up kills like its campaign.
And that first game was sweet. Mutalith Beast+No magic+beating the brakes off Khorne



Really like the fact you're a hockey enjoyer! I'm a goalie myself, played for years. Got the broken teeth to show for it! (three in total)


I wasn't hyped for a Tzeentch video bc they're not my favourites, but you really show-cased all their cool tricks and gimmicks like the chariots, book of secrets, and change-bringers. This was fun!


Yt notifying me about the stream 15 hours after it ended. Top notch YT! It just works :/ GGs


Listened to this while painting my Bretonnians for an upcoming Tournament


I've gotten 5/6 Bunas vs Empire once in ladder, killing all their skirmish and melee cav :D


Tzeentch! My favourite daemons! I rarely see them. But wait. No magic? My head just exploded.


Those small elite armies were so sick!


Great to watch while batch painting my Forsaken


i think if we get TW40K, it would probably play a lot more like company of heroes than the TW titles we have right now


Lords of change are definitely the coolest greater demon


@Turin, Aspiring champions of Tzeentch are more durable to aoe/artillery/nukes. Chosen are nice but they're susceptible to the above - perhaps consider switching 1 chosen with halberd for the aspiring champions instead. Champions also have higher mass which helps them bodyblock vs larger targets.


All of R A  Salvatore’s forgotten realms novels link together, and they culminate in the NeverWinter MMO.  He is a writer for the game.  There was a whole expansion devoted to Drizzt and the companions of the hall.
If you wanted to jump into an MMO, that might be a good place to go for a few weeks of content.  Get a group of regulars and run through the content together as a stream.  It’s less grindy than WoW.


watching the replay while assembling 80 limbs on some genestealers I printed for a space hulk modern rescale


The ghoul king really is just an op lord. Great spells, great stats, amazing healing. It’s something that should really get a nerf. At this point.


As the Changer planned all along. . .


Would you ever do a 2v2 tournament ?


Turin if you make a Guild in Return of Reckoning, my life will be yours!