I can imagine Stacey's lawyer trying to argue that it couldn't have been her driving since the guy said she was good looking. That would be hilarious.
i cant imagine your own daughter blaming you for the crash
I love how the officer in the second one is laughing his but off at the girl not because she's flirting with him but the attempts she is making to flirt with him are absolutely horrible
Can we take a moment to appreciate the Cop's speed running in full gear after this girl? Props to him
Cop: “Your car is stuck in their house” Perp: “Well that’s hearsay” 😂😂
“You can not touch me” “Tough shit” killed me 🤣
"my car is PROBABLY at my house" just made me lose it 😂😂
I used to work the door at a bar. Drunk women are the worst kind of people to deal with. I had more problems with them than I ever did with drunk males.
Hearing that drunk trying to blame her dad for the crash was heartbreaking.
4 drunk driving charges is absolutely insane 🤣
I hate when my car teleports into people's houses it's so inconvenient 🙄
The second girl, that cop should have shut her down immediately by telling her the things she was saying were inappropriate. He also allowed her to touch him. I've seen others taken to the ground for the same kind of "friendly"touch.
"You're a man. You can not f*cking touch me!" "Tough shit !" The correct response.
i love how the phrases "i know my rights" and "I know the laws" are actually rarely used by people that actually do know. I'd say 90% of people that say it couldn't be more clueless
5:41 "I'm too cute for prison" this reminds me of when a bunch of people wanted a guy who murdered a mother and her daughter to not be charged for the murders because they said he was too cute/attractive
Im so sick of people who think they're so important
"I can't breathe!!" LOL. Now the eternal screech of the criminal. They have learned well.
The second girl really creeped me out...
The second girl tried and I agree… was easier to deal with than those raging violent drunks!