Todd, I keep hearing this “nobody wants to work”, however, 4 out of 10 job postings are false, 800,000 some jobs that were created never were. What’s going on??? There’s a program called the Worker Opportunity Tax Credit that allows employers to receive up to a $10,000.00 tax credit for hiring refugees, special circumstances apply, and other categories of workers that meet the qualifications set forth in that program. If I can gain up to a $10,000.00 tax credit why would you want to hire outside that group unless you had an outstanding candidate? Along with AI, outsourcing and Applicant Tracking Systems being selective, it’s really causing men to just give up. You’re around my age, I can remember when our parents could pretty much get a good job right out of high school, that’s a fantasy now.
I believe all politicians need term limits.
Very Humble person with great respect for people. God Bless
I am not working but would love to work. I have a bachelors in business from IU. I have exceptional work history. I am currently a stay at home dad. I have applied for over 400 jobs and only received 2 interviews. And these are jobs I am qualified for or overqualified. We have a job and salary shortage problem in this country. And it’s not going to get any better…. There are forgotten people and ignorant people say they are playing video games or living in a basement. Yet, that is some, that is not the majority. I for example, work all day on myself. I have developed new skills in an effort to find work, it has not paid off yet but it will!!!!
Wow I love Adam's verbiage and vocabulary he is incredibly intelligent
Dont worry Adam or anyone else in the USA about having future labor. The current regime has allowed millions of future labor slaves to come in. This is part of the plan.
Extreme wealth and income inequality really stresses out and tears down the fabric of a country and it's social order. Look at certain countries in South America, Asia, and India and you can see the future of the U.S.A.
In 1978, when attending college, I took a course in small business management. The teacher was a multimillionaire. At one time he was the lead marketer for Motorola in western Europe. He was teaching for a few $$ per year. I learned things in that class I continue to use now. One thing he strongly emphasized, "Never invest a penny of your money you cannot afford to lose or need to put food on the table.' The second was, "The secret of American business success, is to take what others call a liability and turn it into a wanted asset."
I am disabled after all my bills , I have 200.00 a month left over for the month. Saddest part I have to live in a car with a fractured back that healed wrong. In pain every dang day. I wish I could work.
Adam & Todd. Can't get any better. Todd, you are the best person to interview the great Adam Taggart. These are my favorite episodes of your show.
many people in their 50s, who could still be working are required to care for their elderly parents because the social safety nets of their retirements have disappeared and the medical industrial complex won't work for them (to get them healthier and more self-reliant) -- elders have become the new cash cow for a sickness model rather than a health model
Todd , great Chanel ,you and Adam are doing you best to help humanity❤️
Our educational system gets an “ F” grade on just about every subject these days. k thru grad school!
What motivates men to work? Getting a girl… What motivates men to keep working? Providing for our families… What has society been doing to men for several decades? Breaking up families whether they want it or not and making it abundantly clear we’re nothing but a walking atm for government and the ex. It’s not a scooby doo mystery why the US is crumbling and can not survive.
Very informative conversation. Thanks you guys.
Very wealthy people in Argentina are always in dire danger and sometimes get murdered due to the high poverty rates
The population of the US right now is around 345,426,571, including children and people that fall under senior citizens. In other words more than a third of the population of the US. It's beyond incredible! I knew it was bad, but that is insane. I'm on Social Security, at 77 1/2 (which means I fall under really old) I'm better off than more than 1/3 of all people in the US. WHAT! My minivan is 25 year old and working fine. My house 100+.getting younger with home improvement every year (slow and steady). I joke but I feel sorry for the children, what future is that?
Finance is a function of debt. We need to bring back savings. The cost of goods should be based on what consumers actually save and earn and not the amount of debt they can accumulate. 😳
Wellfare programs should be a pathway to help people in time of crisis not a lifetime safety blanket.