
Btw, that other dude started the game with a ski mask on 😭 clown behavior


Toughh asf 🔥🔥


I’ve never seen a humble hooper a day in my life. Like relax you made literally 1 shot😂💀




Aiden Ross


Qel back?




This dude look fruity with them shorts


Bruh literally didn’t do shit but make a jumper lmao




I’ve seen mannequins at dick’s sporting goods play better defense than that


Train me


❤❤Turn to Jesus people, he died for your sins. Repent of what the New testament describes as sin. Believe the gospel get baptized and obey the teachings of Jesus. The gospel and the teachings of Jesus are documented in Matthew Mark Luke and John. Jesus is the only way to be saved, if you have faith in Jesus through your faith you will live by his teachings. God bless 🎉🎉😊😊


I don’t care what anybody says no grown man should wear shorts that go past their kneecaps ….Gay