Thank goodness we didn't hunt our whales to extinction ! (for Star Trek fans only)
Not one word by Elon Musk. The "quote" in the title could easily be constituted as false advertising. 100% clickbait. Avoid.
March 2025, the interstellar object "Oumuamua" is far beyond Neptune's orbit, heading towards the outer edge of the Kuiper Belt and the edge of the solar system, and is no longer observable with current telescopes.
Here are a couple of things most people don't understand about Oumuamua. 1. Every 'photo' you see of the object is an artist's rendering of a rock like object when, in reality, the only REAL image that has been released was a star like dot of light. Feel free to look that up. For some reason, someone wants us to believe it is just a tubular shaped rock the length of a football field. 2. Oumuamua is tumbling end over end. Robert Heinlein and Arthur C. Clarke both wrote about tumbling extremely long spaceships end over end to create artificial gravity on the ships. The thing is, artificial gravity would only be required if there were some life forms on the ships.
They are already under us in the ground and in the ocean, probably among us in crowds. my opinion.🥺
Why you don't make it 3 minutes without repeating yourself constantly in 10 different ways... it is what they teach you in the school ? You wasting our time
ʻOumuamua is currently on its way out of our solar system and is headed towards the constellation Pegasus. It's beyond the orbit of Neptune and is no longer reachable by telescopes. *ʻOumuamua was discovered in October 2017 and is the first known interstellar visitor to our solar system. *It's moving away from our solar system and won't return. *It's passing through the Kuiper Belt, a ring of icy bodies near the edge of the solar system. *It's expected to cross the orbit of Neptune in about four years. *It's expected to travel one light year's distance in about 11,000 years.
The fact that Oumuamua is no longer detectable by our telescopes does not mean that it continued on the course we thought it would follow. It entered the solar system on a trajectory almost perpendicular to the orbital plane of the planets but changed its course to pass very close to the planets within the habitable zone, which is very curious and an extreme coincidence. If it were an exploratory or invading mothership, upon detecting intelligent life on Earth with the ability to also detect it, it could have sent out small probes and continued on so that we would think exactly that. I am a military man and if I were undercover on a reconnaissance mission and was detected, I would continue undercover until I was out of range of anyone who was monitoring me and who could discover my disguise, and I would reevaluate my plan to come back later.
Its a blunt. Lets name it snoop dog
Their last card is the alien card.
Dont forget Cern. They are doing more than Colloding particles. The Weirdest things have happened. They are trying to open something as Well. They are playing with fire.
I’d like to know what caused it to do a u-turn out in deep space for it to return so suddenly?
Nobody has tried to make the connection on how Oumuamua resembles the crashed ship that Apollo 20 did a joint mission from California in 77 to bring back artifacts from that ship supposedly around 2 million years ago. We moved to Vandenberg AFB in summer of 75 my Father was awarded to retire from there after achieving high score from Missile competition that several Strategic Missile technicians competed in. This was a definitive moment in his career length service with the Air Force. I was starting 6th grade and was awe stricken with all the launches there. What a cool place to live and explore. When the first heavy lift I seen from the NASA launch facilities in Lompoc next to Vandenberg, I thought I was experiencing my first California earthquake, but nope, it was the largest earth rattling rocket I had yet seen. I knew what it was having done a few book reports and show and tell presentations of Apollo Saturn V rockets. This thing lifted slowly and could see the details on it clearly. USAF big bold lettering and command module with capsule. When Pops got home he was excited and asked if I seen it, I said yes. He said that was the last of those to fly. I said it flew from the south, not the usual southwest direction. He said that's because it launched from NASA off base. I never knew NASA was there. Those facilities were built supposedly for The Space Shuttle launches that were to come, but was scraped from that later on. The facilities are just scars now on Google maps just a short walk southeast from the now Amtrack platform at the end of Ocean Blvd and the Ocean in Lompoc. Later in the fall, another launch went off and a super loud explosion happened and blew out two of our house windows, windows shattered all over the base. By the time I could look around our big tree, I seen the black smoke, it burned for a couple weeks. We seen later where it came down on the beach on base and turned the sand to glass. I'll never forget that smell.. Some military personnel perished in the fire including the base commander. RIP all our military personnel that lost their lives while serving our nation. In school, I had a kid in class a couple years older and asked why he was behind in grades ? He said they wouldn't let him go to Junior High school outside the base entrance. We always ask what our Dad's do. I said mine is a Missile tech and he said his Dad invented the moon Buggy. He told me his Dad won the contract by using his G.I. Joe as a prop on a model. I thought it was strange he was there when the Missiles would generally launch satellites. There were a couple other kids who didn't really speak English. Later on in life I realized they had Russian last names. They were cool but couldn't hang out after school. In Later years I saw a documentary on TV about the moon Buggy inventor and son of a B*tch, he really did use his sons G.I. Joe for the model ! Looked up the name I can't remember in my aging Mellon now, but he was living in Santa Barbara almost an hour south of the Base. The very last one launched in early or mid 77, Was massive and successful. Pops was excited and said, okay, that is absolutely the last one. He retired shortly after. He would never divulge info, I've asked many many times. And about UFOs, a somber nope. Sadly I will have never heard anything about it. I've mentioned this info about a decade or more ago and was met with an army of trolls. I really could give two Sh*ts ! I got nothing to gain. Just a few cool exciting moments in my lifetime. Oumuamua looks just like that ship on Apollo 20. Apollo 18 and 20 were successful and 19 was a disaster. There had to be folks on that one too. Give honor to those that serve and perish in classified missions. Connect that ship with Oumuamua they look extremely similar, same battle scars on it. The Apollo 20 info arrived on the internet long before this thing was observed flying by us. Just an observation, connecting dots and a humble conclusion. P.S. always respect and thank a Serviceman or Veteran. They really do put their Nation first, for God and Country !  Respect.... The only tube video I could find on that Apollo 20 mission that shows that ship is this. So draw your own conclusions.
Is the " Messenger from a far" older than the Moon, which is older than Earth?
when msm says to look up, you best believe you need to be looking down
No matter what the truth is.... study it.
Maybe they were trying to find the owner of Musk’s car he put into outer space 😂
Oumuamua reminds me of the story by Arthur C Clark ( Rama ).
If I were an alien, I would send a scout ship ahead of my own and would be trailing far enough behind to collect the data and make a decision to investigate the planets with war ships to protect the mothership. And see for myself what minerals and technology a universe has to offer my species.