I think the server room has a real counterpart to it because Chica can follow you in there as seen in Markiplier’s playthrough. It’s probably just so she can actually take your mask off and jumpscare you without falling out of bounds
We NEED a video of Spiff teaching Matpat how to speedrun
The Monty Claws/Legs rumor always felt incredibly dumb to me because even if you were able to acquire them, when and where would you actually use them? Monty just gets smoked by the electricity in the water and then never gets seen again.
You shouting at Roxy about why she didn't read the "Stand Clear" sign on the vehicle when she's BLIND got a genuine laugh out of me
Seeing all this out of bounds stuff with the game in action really shows that steel wool has learned to optimize a lot better than base game, because base game has so much stuff out of bounds that is constantly loaded in and the like when it’s not at all needed
20:43 I imagine the reason there's a "Real World" server room, is due to if you stall too long in the room with Pegtrap, you'll die via Chica being summoned to jumpscare you, which involves the mask getting forced off of your face. So they probably just needed a basic "Real World" place for the player to go to for said jumpscare.
Damn mattpatt has done everything from pro golfing to speedrun strats. This mans can't be stopped. Next thing you know he's going to be a character in mark's iron lung. He can literally say he's done everything.
Imagine there being actual hidden lore in just random graffiti lol. And if there is, one better be that Mr. “Wall-rus in a top hat” is a future fnaf character.
I am now dedicating my life to making a Matpat/Spiff crossover where matpat teaches spiff the LORE and spiff teaches Matpat to speed run! This is my life now 😅
The random door above the the salon is a balcony that was part of the cut backstage area from the base game. it has collision in the base game but it’s impossible to fly up there without the world unloading
If there's one thing Steel Wool is good at, it's creating an atmospheric environment. All maps just scream "Ruined" (haha). They did a great job with it, in my opinion. I especially love Purpleland, wish they didn't restrict your access by summoning Pegtrap every now and then. They betrayed us with the nonexistent bowling minigame, though. Sadge.
Some interesting things I noticed in my own investigation of the DLC's files: - The Blob does actually use a completely unique model in this DLC! It's a model referred to as Tangle in the game files (specifically the file SK_TangleLite_DLC.uasset), and is notably lower-poly when compared to it's Security Breach version. It is also missing several of the animatronics, including the Puppet, Chica, Mangle, and the various endoskeletons that it had, though still has Circus Baby and Bonnie, as well as an unidentifiable casing piece of another animatronic. - At 8:19, you mention that there's no AR version of the lower section where the elevator to the Afton/Mimic is. Though it has seemingly been removed entirely, Steel Wool forgot to remove a backed up version of this area (stored with the other Roxy Raceway maps as MAP_Roxy_Racer_Part2_AR_Backup.umap). It has a little bit of developer text, implying that the Blob (the Tangle) ripped open all the gates in its escape. It was likely removed from the game because, as you said, they chose to prevent the mask from being used inside of this area. - In the directory fnaf9/Plugins/Chowda/Content/Maps/Whitebox (specifically stored in Chowdafnaf9-WindowsNoEditor.pak), there's 78 maps refered to as Whitebox Maps that are still stored inside the game files. These appear to have been early concepting maps used to block out the shapes of each of the game's sections. One of the most interesting ones is MAP_WHITEBOX_Sinkhole_DLC.umap, which appears to be a very early rendition of the Mimic chase that had you go through a stage area with Freddy, Bonnie, and Chica on it. - At 22:32, you pointed out a door in the upper section of the Beauty Salon. This door actually used to lead to a catwalk system above the cut backstage area, which can still be seen in the Backstage Office Window as a cubemap reflection. A stairwell - in fact, the same stairwell Freddy takes us down at the start of the game - would've led all the way up to that door, along with the entire catwalk system. It's all very interesting stuff.
The metal contraption forming the shape of the Monty shrine is one of the hydraulic alligator heads that would come out of the water in Monty Golf. I don't know if they were modeled with that much detail in Security Breach but you can see the mechanisms now that would lift the heads out of the water. The rest of them can be seen at the start in the Monty Golf area with Ruin's first camera computer.
You can tell that “Gregory” is the mimic because he reuses a voice line from SB. The line is from a security office. I think he says “Help! I trapped”
So cool seeing MatPat mention Spiff by name and acknowledge speedrunners :3
20:10 So, if you were wondering why it looks like there is a giant tree in the center of the server room that you cannot normally see. Well, that's because it is a giant tree. It's mentioned in the books that the creator of the mimic is being kept alive in the centre of the tree after the mimic almost killed him in the books after he beat it up.
The storytelling with Monty and Bonnie is genuinely some of the most interesting and well conveyed background lore in the whole series
Spiff's interpretation of the pizza toppings (at 14:31) is very interesting to me. The sort of "texture" of the pizza object makes it a little hard to make out some details, but to my eyes it looks like: -Pepperoni (dark red circles) -Black olives (black circles) -Onions (white rings) -Mushrooms (brown shapes, most visible under left side onion) -Tomatoes (light red circles) -Possibly jalapeno slices? Or green bell pepper pieces? (the green rings, which seem too bright for green olives, and are not the same shape as the black olives) -Basil? (The leafy pieces that Spiff thought were cilantro) There's also clearly supposed to be some seasoning but I'm not even gonna try to guess on what that could possibly be.
The spiff has giveth an episodic adventure once more.