
The Young and the Restless brought me here.  RIP Kristoff St. John


Lyrics of this beautiful song:

[Verse 1]
How it rambles 'round the moon
A let-go-of balloon
Nothing is forever, everything is soon

And my father as he stands
A perfect cartoon man
Heavy-sighed and open-eyed, I heard him speak

Hold your head up high
Hold your head up high

[Verse 2]
Rise it up, it's fine terrain
The time will come again
And misery's no rest for weary gentlemen

See that humankind is you
Like all the rest, down to
The scratches on the album that you're singing to

Hold your head up high
Hold your head up high

Through the light and through the shadow
I won't wait it out, wait it out

Hold your head up high
Hold your head up high
Hold your head up high

Biting clovers in the lawn
A solitary fawn
Underground, the new life thunders up and on


Anyone else here after This is Us Finale?


Lyrics in Português
Como divagar em volta da lua
Um balão solto
Nada é para sempre, tudo é breve

E meu pai como ele está
Um homem perfeito dos desenhos animados
 Suspirou pesado e de olhos abertos, eu o ouvi dizer

Mantenha sua cabeça erguida
Mantenha sua cabeça erguida

[Verso 2]
Levante-se, é uma boa terra
O tempo virá novamente
E a miséria não descansa para homens cansados

Veja que a humanidade é você
Como todo o resto, até
Os arranhões nos álbuns para os quais você canta

Mantenha sua cabeça erguida
Mantenha sua cabeça erguida

Através da luz e através da sombra
Eu não irei esperar até acabar, espere até terminar

Mantenha sua cabeça erguida
Mantenha sua cabeça erguida
Mantenha sua cabeça erguida

Trevos cortantes no gramado
Um cervo solitário
Debaixo da terra, uma vida nova retumba


I just heard this in the last part of the final episode of This is Us.. Wow !   You guys are just killing it with beautiful music, beautiful voices in perfect harmony..  Thank you for all the hard work you do to bring such heartfelt beauty to the world..


Beautiful musicality paired with some beautiful and inspiring lyrics!  My wife and I just heard you perform at the Port City Music Hall in Portland and you were fabulous!!  The talent all of you have is remarkable!!  My favorite of your songs is "The God of Loss" but this one is a close 2nd.


6 years...that's a lot of dedication and love, you can hear it in the song. this is so beautiful.


Amazing ♥️


'This is Us' brought me


When Beth finally found the door


Just found out my mom is starting to show symptoms of a family prone heart disease that took a previous generation. Dad is showing memory loss. Watched this is us now im tottally mind fucked. Thanks


Good band..


love this. thanks for sharing m.m.


Pleasant nd feel good one


Doesn't this remind you of a Coldplay song..?