
Spiff completely ignoring the park's sign saying 'Washington' and believing he's in Austrailia the whole time despite the massive forest, bear warnings and so forth is pretty funny.


That cabin jumpscared was f*cked up. I jumped out of my chair and hurt my leg, loaf went pure instinct and scratched Spiff, and Spiff  freaked out and got his hand scratched. Everyone lost on that one


This reminds me so much of Do You Copy. Staying in a watchtower at night, weird noises and stuff happening in the forest, "helping" a lost hiker and being hunted down by some weirdo(s). I love it.


The part where Spiff pees while hiding is the one of the most random thing you can do in a horror game


Spiff: No texting while driving.

Also Spiff: Drives in a zig zag, crashed on a tree, crashed on 2 moving vehicles, breaks reality, holds 2 phones at the same time, crashes on more objects, parks in a concerning way.
This is going great so far.


Spiff being confident this is placed in Australia despite the pine trees and mountains, plus the sign that says "Washington state park" is hilarious.  He was looking up where this place was while looking at that very sign.

Edit: Also the jacksepticeye bit where he says state of Washington lol


the comments having a loaf timestamp list and not a jumpscare timestamp list is a very AstralSpiff community thing to do.


Loaf timestamp archive
29:07 hey Loaf
34:03 sleepy Loaf
41:34 I hate you Spiff but LOAF STAMP
42:51 more Loaf screentime


Hearing twitch chat say “we’ll tell you when you’re older” to a grown man is really funny


Im so used to seeing spiff be desensitised to jumpscares and it was a genuine shock when he actually jumped back in fear


We’ll call this one “dowsing everything in gasoline.” True AstrialSpiff comedy


As an Australian man from NSW
the way he pronounced Wollongong was both hilarious and disturbing at the same time



"Must've been the wind"


34:55 the MOST scared Ive seen Spiff by a game.


What’s crazy is that at the burger place, one of the guys eating a burger which is also the same one Spiff tried to sit with, was actually one of the cult members and was the same cult member that chases you at the end, which you can tell since where he was sitting, next to him was a black cloth (the robe) and a shovel

Edit: I also just realized that he’s the guy who jump-scares you in the shed since his face matches up with when he was in the burger place


The fact that Spiff said "Im sorry Loaf" after the scare is just so funny to me


i love spiff’s insistence on the location being in australia despite the abundance of pine trees, american style diners, connor being obviously american, and a sign that said WASHINGTON STATE PARK


"I really had to pee"
Yosuke explained his emotions in the most eloquent way possible


Spiff getting cut by loaf because he got jumpscared is one of the best Spigg moments ever in my book


I feel like if I were to play Fears to Fathom I would simply never sleep again. Those cultists moving towards the watchtower and the door slamming open had me so on edge lmao