0:37 New York Style 1:10 Grandma Pie 1:55 Tavern Style 2:27 Buffalo Style 3:07 New Haven Pizza 3:55 White Clam Pie 4:29 Detroit Style 5:07 Bar Pizza 5:49 DC Jumbo Slice 6:18 Deep Dish 7:24 St. Louis Style 7:54 California Pizza 8:43 Old Forge Pizza 9:20 Cuban 9:58 Brier Hill Pizza 10:48 Ohio Valley Pizza 11:22 Dayton Style 12:01 New England Greek Pizza 12:24 Trenton Tomato Pie 13:18 Colorado Mountain Pie 13:51 Quad City Style 14:17 Philly Tomato Pie 15:10 New England Beach Pizza 15:45 Red Strips 16:19 Altoona Style
As someone from Chicago, Deep dish is a once-a-month pizza, while tavern style is a once-a-week pizza.
As a Detroiter, I have to give big ups to whoever named that NYC pizza place 'Lions and Tigers and Squares'... that's just brilliant.
As a Pittsburgher, I flat out impressed with the variety of styles our neighbors to the west (Ohio) has come up with!
I live in Boston but never realized that Greek Pizza was a local thing. But I will say that I would happily consume any style in this video. They all seem fun. Great video
That was so wonderfully, uniquely American. What a fresh take on "what pizza is/can be". Y'all have given me lots of crust to chew on and innovate with my family in the home kitchen. Thanks a lot!
This is the best survey of pizza styles I've ever seen. You did fantastic homage to Dayton style pizza, which is fairly rare to find and usually overlooked in "comprehensive" US pizza style articles, and in particular you covered Ron's Pizza from the Dayton area which is the best example IMO of Dayton style available. Total respect from a native! Also you covered some weird niche pizzas I've seen mentioned on text food forums. Well done, guys.
Many pizza styles are controversial, but I think we can all agree that Altoona-style pizza is a crime against food
I lived in Dayton Ohio for 40 years and grew up on Marion's Pizza starting when I was a kid in 1970. It has it's own unique flavor and the quality and taste has stayed absolutely consistent in every store to this day. I understand that Marion's son, who took over operations when his father passed on, died this year. I hope their food tradition lives on unchanged. There is nothing else like it and whenever we are in town, we stock up. Leftovers are no problem--it is the best cold pizza ever! I went to school with one of the Casano clan and worked at a Casanos after high school. It was good quality and tasty, no complaints, but there was nothing to really set it apart. When Vic stepped away from operations it went downhill. I think there are a few stores still open, not sure. Ron's Pizza--never tried it. Might have to give it a go next time we're in town. But no matter how good it is, it will never unseat Marion's from the #1 place in my pizza-loving heart!
Was really glad to see you cover Ohio Valley Pizza! I was not expecting you to since it’s such a small area. It’s is unique and quite tasty but best to eat as soon as they give it to you. If you’re taking it home, it best to get your cold cheese on the side, pop it back in the oven for a few minutes, put on your cold cheese and eat right away. Now I’m hungry!
You nailed it! I live in New Haven and knew you had to include Pepe's white clam if you were going to cover "all" the pizzas in the US but you went above and beyond by including the Salisbury Beach (New England) Beach Pizza which I feasted on as youngster, AND the RI Red Strips which I am always thrilled to see when attending a party at my daughter's place in RI. I realize I need to do more traveling, however.... keep up the great job Weirdo History Types!
I was onboard to try every style of pizza up until the last one, Altoona. That one sounds like someone who got so drunk that they made a pizza but then realized that they were out of traditional cheese but were too drunk to get fresh cheese so they slabbed American Cheese slices on top.
Youngstown, Ohio checking in. Can confirm. The amount of shops in this area is like one shop per 100 people. It’s wild. Every corner on every street. Chains to mom and pops.
You guys have become one of my favorite channels! As an Ohioan, I love the variety of pizza styles we have here! Donato's being my favorite doing their take on the edge-to-edge pizza.
Buffalo style pizza with that cities wings, are the greatest thing I have ever had in my entire life and I’ve been to all 50 states and 72 countries, Buffalo NY is the hidden gem for food! ❤
Thank you for FINALLY recognizing New England Greek Pizza. Not the best, not the worst, but a great vehicle for toppings.
You really did your research! I figured you’d miss Quad City style and Altoona style. I lived in Columbus for a while, I assumed that style was local, but maybe it’s the same as Dayton style. Columbus is super thin with provolone and cuppy pepperoni
This video just make want to go and travel around the US and eat pizza 🍕 from every state 😋
I just discovered your channel. Food. History. Learning random shit i can spout and act smug about. Priceless