I'm in my luteal phase rn and when I saw the duration of this video I thought it was too long and planning to only watch 10 mins everyday until I finish it. When I started I couldn't stop until I finished it, I love your videos so much, I love your energy, the way you speak is very nurturing and loving and you're just radiating and glowing. Thank you so much. Keep sharing your journey with us, much love. ❤
If you ever have a daughter, she will be so lucky to have such an intuitive and knowledgeable mother. Much love❤️
I LOVED watching this! Please consider posting videos for how you spend your other phases too. ❤
Yes, i agree on the Epsom salt baths. Im a licensed massage therapist and I always recommend to my clients (that are able to) to take advantage of the benefits of a regular routine of Epsom salt baths. The use of two cups of Epsom salt to the hottest/warmest water that you feel comfortable with for a 20-30 minute soak works wonders. I also personally take my Epsom salt bath times and also use that time to exfoliate my whole body with my exfoliation mitten. Afterwards I feel like a brand new shiny best version of myself🥰..thank you for sharing your knowledge and sweet energy, Jillz💖
Thank God I found you, thank God you are here, thank God you make these videos, thank God there is someone who undestands my needs. I'm in my menstrual phase right now (day2) and I've been feeling so alone, not have energy, so in pain... The worst part is even my sister doesn't understand me! I was so shocked when she said "You cannot live like this your entire life! There'll be days that you have to get out of bed and do the hard work!" I was so hurt at that moment and couldn't find the words to tell her... Now I know these feelings are normal, they happen for a reason and it will pass... Thank you so much for being here ❤
I would love a different vlog for each phase. I am so interested in this.
Asking your husband questions about your luteal phase is sooo heartwarming. I’m new to cycle syncing for the last couple months and my fiancé is taking an interest too, which I really appreciate 💕
❤ I think one of my biggest struggles is feeling like I’m being lazy or inconsistent. I know I need more rest but it’s hard to not feel like a failure for taking it.
Yay! 🥰Love seeing content creators make videos about the female hormonal cycle! For the vegans out there: I find that avocado, omega-3 (flaxseeds) and magnesium supplements help so much for preventing/reducing PMS and period cramps ❤
I hope one day I can be more like you. You just seem so aware and in tune. I strive to learn to give off a more warm and peaceful energy like that. Thank you for your videos! I’m 23 and I had no idea about half of these phases.
you posting this right after me having a mental breakdown during my luteal phase,totally ready for my next luteal phase 🙌❤️
Thank you sooo much for this video!! I felt like I was totally draining myself working with the same intensity every day and I shamed myself for not feeling energetic or equally productive every day. Thank you for validating the feeling that we shouldn’t set so much pressure on ourselves, and thank you for all the information on the cycle you’ve shared, as now we can understand why we deserve rest and care!! Lots of love! Jane
Your usual sit down videos are SOOO helpful but this one, with the combination of videos of what you’re doing, etc, is just bomb! Love it!! Thank you for being so helpful.
Cole’s “tread lightly” had me cracking up 😂😂 You’re both so lovely! I really enjoyed this vlog! ❤
I'm still binging on your vlogs! I am getting ready to visit a naturopath for the first time & am enjoying brushing back up on my body's stages again. Thanks for spending all the time these take! 💕
💕💕 This video just gave me so much validation and recognize the symptoms of needing to slow down without being hard on myself so thank you! Would love more vlogs like this for the other phases♥️
The “tread lightly” part was GOLD 🎉 Thank for being so real. ❤
The bath looks amazing! The design is gorgeous and there's so much light in it! I love it!
I‘m in my luteal phase right now so this is very helpful 🥰