
It's a beautiful and so relaxing place. I love camping too. Watching from the Philippines 🇵🇭 ❤


For some weird reason, I find these videos very soothing when watching  in my bed all snuggled up in them blankets. 😢❤


This is the real camping in heavy rain.Thank you.


Mantp kawan sllu keren🤟


You are so brave when you dare to camp alone in the forest


Tertidur saat menonton video di malam hari sudah menjadi kebiasaan. Rasanya sangat damai dan mengantuk. Saya berbicara dari Bangladesh.🧡💚


Sukses selalu mas..di tunggu video2 selanjutnya..semangat👍


Saudades da minha infância


Wonderful video I sleep all day to this 👌


senang sekali melihat petualangnya .dengan  pengambilan video yang bagus jadi sangat bagus sekali, sempurna sekali kak


Selalu bagus video nya ..ditunggu video2 selajnjutnya mas


Keren full time...is the best


Watching this from india 🇮🇳💖🇮🇩


Deres banget hujannya
Jaga kesehatan selalu kawan


Wow, Hari, you truly embody the spirit of adventure! Solo camping in heavy rain and flood takes immense courage and resilience. Your video beautifully captured the challenges you faced and the stunning power of nature. It's inspiring to see how you navigated through the difficult conditions and maintained a positive attitude. Keep exploring, pushing boundaries, and sharing these incredible experiences with us. Stay safe out there!


You are very brave! Be careful 😅


Camping yg luar biasa dgn hujan deras turun dari mulai awal datang  s/d tidur malam dan pulang. Semoga Mas Hari sehat, selamat dan semangat walau sendirian. HK mantap 🙏👍🙏


❤From India🇮🇳


Wow when does the Rainey season end 👍🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿


Love from kerala india ❤