
late night upload zzzzzz


Little did he know he added the friend’s channel link hehe




19:47 Billy is the only person in the world that can save the world and stop global warming


All of these sets are kinda OP lol


That XP armor came in clutch


Woh that's the definition of cool


Top 5 favorite Minecraft youtubers


literal best youtuber keep up the good work man :>


Lets go this sick


Let's gooooo new video when I was going to sleep


πŸ˜ƒ Yay


awesome video keep going the good work!!!


Shadow I'm a bid fan! And i'm ben watching your videos for 100k Months 🀫🀫🀫🀫😳😳😲😲😲😲😲


Been waiting for this πŸ˜ƒ


Awesome I love it when I get notifications


#2:46 in the video he sed it will cost us 3 levels for iron armor when it was gold not iron good job lol


Hope you have a good night


Nice video love the uploads


him when He named his firework armor: Gibberish Noises LOVE U BILLY :P