
Interested in more than just a passport and a property that you can purchase and sell for a profit? Watch Live Like a King in Istanbul where we explore affordable luxury living, as well as business opportunities, in the bustling commercial and cultural capital of Turkey: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m5H01enlHDM


I live in Southern Turkey, in Alanya and I am a Turkish citizen that has spent more than half his life living abroad in four different countries including the USA ( Lived in Seattle, WA ) . I have also been to so many other countries , mostly in Asia and I have to say that Turkey is one of the most livable places on planet earth. Just a few details to share ; The place where I live is like a resort with 4 buildings , there is a gym, two swimming pools, one tennis court, a sauna and a Turkish hamam all available for residents for free . The unit above my apartment just sold for 60,000 USD ( One bedroom apartment ) , the studio next to mine just sold for 42,000 USD.  The two bedrooms go for around 75,000 USD . Despite the recent economic turmoil the country is going through , these prices are just a fraction of what they would cost in the USA, Europe, Canada, and Australia. We get 300 days of sunshine , traffic is almost unheard of , we have very clean air as there are no factories nearby or heavy industry . The Turkish cuisine is one of the best in the world especially if you manage to make friends with the locals and get invited to their homes for dinner you will experience the real Turkish cuisine , not just the kebabs that you often find in restaurants. The local farmer's market has the best fresh organic fruits and veggies available, again at a fraction of the cost what you would pay back home. The people are extremely friendly , Turkish hospitality is world famous.. It is extremely safe. Every time I go to the local beach to do my daily runs I always leave my cell phone in my beach bag on the beach chair and never once I have had it stolen. So to cut a long story short, if you are looking for an alternative place to re-locate, Turkey , especially the Turkish coast is an ideal choice..!


I visited Turkey for the first time about 6 months ago and I found it wonderful with nice people modern homes and a nice lifestyle


Muslim countries are actually are very welcoming and comfortable to live in. People are amazing. Super friendly and helpful.


Millions of people from Europe, Russia and increasingly Asia and Latin America go on holiday to Turkey every year. Many visit Turkey multiple times.
It's only people from the US, Canada and Australasia that are unfamiliar with how popular Turkey is as a tourism hotspot.


Türkçe öğreniyorum. Türkiye çok güzel bir ülke!


I was born and raised in Izmir, Turkey which is hands down one of the modern and nicest coastal cities in Turkey. I lived half of my life abroad in multiple European countries. if you’re able to source your income from abroad and not rely on Turkish companies or Turkish economy, then living in Turkey is a fantastic experience, especially the aegean coastal towns. Besides all that there is also tax advantage for those who are exporting various services or doing business with companies abroad. For example, if you’re a data analyst then 80% of your income is not taxed if you work for or invoice companies outside of Turkey.

You get to enjoy fresh and real food not the stuff bought in plastics and has no taste, clean air, great private healthcare and of course, the beautiful nature and weather. 

Turkey is underrated for sure.


Turkey is underrated. And I believe it will become the most powerful country in Europe in 20 years.


I have several Muslim and Turkish friends in my network and they are nothing but good partners, very flat personality, don't play games and do business straightforward.  I'll be visiting Turkish next year.


I always watch Mick Amca on Türkiye and foods show all part of Turkey and it’s history so fascinating ❤


A few advantages of Türkiye.... 

Foreign sourced pension income is income tax free. Türkiye has double tax agreements with most Western countries. 

Cost of living around one third US, Australia, UK etc. 

(No income tax on pension income plus cost of living one third = net income on purchasing power parity basis four times that compared to the outcome if you live in US, Australia etc with the same pension). 

Fantastic outdoor and culinary lifestyle....

Many international airports with numerous flights around the world - and only a few hours flight to and from all of Europe. 

Lots of expats in Western Türkiye, so you tend to have a mix of expat and local Turks as friends and neighbours...it's wonderful. 

More personal freedom...the government does not interfere in your day to day life like it does in the West. What you do on your property is your business. So there is that annoying large tree on your land, just cut it down. Want to build a permanent tool shed on your land just build it - no licence, inspections or other government interference.

World class medical and hospital services around 25% of the cost of US etc  - and sometimes much lower than this (depending on the service). 

Turkish people are very warm, welcoming and friendly, with stable, intact and well functioning local communities. Crime is very low - almost non existent in some parts (including where I live in Fethiye). 

Helps to learn Turkish but not necessary to live here if you are in a community with a lot of expats and/or tourists (as many locals speak English, Russian etc.) That said, better to learn the language and I'm doing that now. 

I moved to Türkiye four years ago via. Citizenship by Investment Program and never looked back.... 

Get it while you can. 

They keep tightening the rules here because demand is so high. 

Best of luck with your choice.


Turkish airlines and Istanbul airport being the top hub in the world can be mentioned too. Its so cheap and accessible to fly there.


😊 Herkese başarılar diliyorum, Türkiye gerçekten güzel bir ülke


The main appeal of turkey over a lot of places. Is they actually have an economy. If you want to have any other business than tourism (nothing wrong with tourism). They have the land, resources, population,and  intact manufacturing/industrial base to house proper business operations. And they have really nice ottomans from what I hear. You can just lounge around kicking your feet up anywhere.


If you’re Canadian or American, Turkey is reporting your assets, money in bank accounts to your respective country, meaning you could pay capital gains in Canada or the USA depending on what you own Turkey. Financial reports are taken on December 31st and then sent to the CRA or IRS


I have 2 properties in Turkiye. Cant wait to retire there ❤


Turkey is a beautiful country and a good place to live in but it's not a cheap country for western Europeans or Americans anymore. Prices are really high


Turkey is a beautiful country indeed


Years ago, when I was a young serviceman, we took a trip to Alanya during our stay in Turkey. Great food, beautiful coast, lively city, great infrastructure, and VERY affordable. The one and only thing that would hold me back from retiring there is lack of affection for and ambition to learn Turkish.


During Covid, both Washington state and New York banned evictions even if the tenants didn't pay their rent and many of them didn't pay, so guess what? That's essentially the state seizing property.  Oh, and yes, all property taxes still had to be paid! Yes, it can happen in the USA and I would expect it to happen again.