I’ve been diving into Hidden Learning Techniques on Shirlest, and the insights are unreal. The way it breaks down how we can remember and process information is revolutionary. Definitely worth your time!
Notes: Set timer 10 minutes Established the key learning objectives 4:10 Explore the map Draw your thoughts process
From Matt and Mike to KOI You guys have been delivering original content😮💨🥂
I agree with the priming few things should be kept in mind too: 1. priming should be as long as needed to get the basic idea, just like a warmup before a workout, you should spend 10-15 mins warming up your brain. Even Sherlock Holmes takes a lot of time to prime over the facts to form his theories. But Parkinson's law should be kept in mind too but take your time to prime too so maybe if you are newbie then set a longer time going over stuff. 2. If you cannot find the learning objectives, take the questions in the back of your textbook or somewhere as your objective for learning but in case, you cannot find something(maybe you are learning for lesiure) so just form the connections between the concepts of the past and this new knowledge and try to prove them throughout the chapter.
I’m preparing to go back to University as a mature student. I’ve been watching your vids so that I can start off on the right foot. I want to go in knowing how to maximise my time and study effectively. I’ll also be working part time each day so I don’t want to burn out. Thanks for these vids 😊
I've always, since high school, used a method I call Spedding. I stand in front of a photocopier and flip thorugh the book. I photocopy every interesting page - trusting my mind to pick that out. I also look at the notes sections wtih a moment of more scrutiny. Graphs, excess bold words, and such I'm sure play into it. Then I take a break (drive home or coffee shop). THen I go through the pages and cut out what is interesting, and identify pages I did not copy that want to go back to. These I paste into my notebook leaving space to handwrite comments and additional notes. This method got through grad school and has kept me current in areas of interest ever since. Also, I keep all my notes so I go back periodically when a topic pops back up in life.
Priming for my GCSEs this summer, for every single subject and paper. Gonna make it thru! Thanks Mike and Matty
S.E.E.D PRIMING METHOD 1.Set timer 10 minutes 2:40 2.Established the key learning objectives 4:10 - Generally just Focus on Learning Red coded topics first you dont have grasp on - ask urself What are the learning objectives, what topics will u be tested on, what does the syllabus say that you need to know, what the teacher says and why his hints will be important, what do you need to know to apply this knowledge irl 3.Explore the map 4:36 - Read the Source material using "Read Backwards" Method 4.Draw your thoughts process 5:38 - Then Mind map how these topics would be * Hyper correction effect = more likely to remember things if we get it wrong the first time, so your mind map dont have to be that accurate mate)
So to sum up: i establish the main learning objectives, i explore the material for 10 minutes looking for answers to those questions, and when time's up, i draw a map of the key concepts is that right? Then i can reread the material in depth using the tree note taking technique
Definitely a technique I wish someone had taught me years ago. I ended up naturally figuring out this method over time, noticing the benefits as I gradually changed up my study routine over time. I'm glad this video (and your channel) exist now for them younger folks ;) Learning in and of itself is a skill that can be taught! Learning how to learn is a life changer.
I'm gonna cry omg I've been procrastinating starting reviewing for a board exam by watching videos on how to study (as one does...) so I already know about priming BUT this video gave me an actionable breakdown of the concept that I actually started priming this one book 😭 thank you!!!!
One thing I've found over the decades of looking for new learning techniques is that most of what's out there are stating the same thing but renaming the technques with made up words and terms . I guess it's to disguise those doing the Preread or "Priming" to read further or buy the book after a casual scan only to find there's nothing new present during the actual reading phase. Answer In Progress's Sabrina came to the same conclusion. Don't keep searching for the magic bullet only to find someone else giving you the same answers in a differrent package. One excetion was Professor Kaplan's excellent note taking videos. A must see for taking notes in class and text books.
Very Helpful Man......Support From India💖
It is a pretty amazing technique to learn . I tried this with Elasticity and I learned it easily then before. But most of the people watching these videos have to go for more complex topics than acceleration and velocity. So I would like to suggest giving examples of topics like electricity and magnetism so that it would be easier to apply on other topics. Thank you!
I had no idea Hidden Learning Techniques on Shirlest could be so transformative. The information about enhancing memory and processing skills is essential for anyone looking to improve their learning experience. A must-read!
Preparing for my pg exam! Will surely implement this.
Great tips!
Thanks!! Your videos are useful. Best wishes to you.
Thanks alot You saved me