I've listened to a lot of these while writing, and this one actually is by far the best for creative work. It feels intentional enough to listen to, but not so self-assertive your mind can't wander. It's stimulating but not distracting, mellow but not boring or saccharine like most 'relaxing' playlists. Really excellent.
I cry tonight bcs i remember that many things i lose that related to this music. I love to listen this music since 3 years ago, 2021 when i was working on my first software house company. So many things that i remember now and lose
I'd watch a whole movie with this artwork. Really, really superb.
Back here again. No matter how long it takes, I always return here
I genuinely appreciate this music and the lovely crowd of people that comes with it. It's refreshing just to see so many nice people either putting out a kind word or giving a piece of advice or just sharing their own appreciation. It really makes everything better for me right now because I'm going through a rough time. So it's just nice to see a bit of kindness going around.
Felt sad, might go on an adventure later. Anyone with me? See you at the tavern 🍻
So many sleepless nights filled with tears and sadness. My life has been horrible for me for the past few months, but I almost always listen to this music as I sleep. I read everyone’s kind words of affirmation and love, it’s really the only thing keeping me going. Thank you. To any stranger reading this; I hope you feel at peace, I hope tomorrow brings you joy, I hope that you can see the person you love, To wake up and know that you belong here. Don’t give up. Don’t stop being you. You’re perfect.
Daym, I miss the rain. Hottest summer ever (yet), and rain happened, like, just 2-3 times.
Some people tend to forget that the best stories begin in the rain. Tears fall to mingle with heaven's drops at the loss of a friend or a love; weeping impinges with divine fury into the dirt between the feet of men-at-arms, soldiers as tightly packed as the rain; or perhaps sitting inside and watching life be nurtured by the gentle downpour. Perhaps one or none or all? Our story this evening? With us being slumped over in a puddle amidst mud in a small town with a tower nestled in the center like a crown. I'd never much understood why they say crossroads are important places. But The Stranger trudging through the rain did stop at this one and that's how I found family again. Or rather, he found me.
This is one of my favourite ones :) Even my 4 year old daughter falls asleep listing to the first tracks most nights! Special music that heals your soul
Wish i could just be sucked into that world right now
Most people I see at work are depressed, or unfulfilled, and it really shows in their mood and their actions. But we are still alive. I find that much of our suffering is brought about through overthinking. Do what you love, and treat each other kindly. You will find happiness.
Hey random stranger reading this I wanna tell you you did a magnificent job today and it's time to rest now you deserve it and I'm proud of you
The only thing better than the mesmerizing music? All you absolute mad lads commenting and liking each other’s comments x3 The fantasy genre may not always be in the spotlight of society, but it’s the fans such as you who is reading this and finding comfort knowing there are others out there. The tavern that unites us all may not exist physically, it exists within the hearts and souls of us all x3
Just do your best. But, don't do it for anyone else, do it for you. Don't do it because you want to know what other people think. You don't owe that luxury to anyone but yourself. After all is said and done, if you can honestly and truly say to yourself that you've done your very best, then nothing that anyone else says will ever matter. This world can be a cruel place, there's enough disappointment and negativity as it is. If nothing else, even though we may never meet and I may never speak to you outside of this comment, know that I will be here to cheer you on, because I know that you're doing what you can to become the best version of yourself and nothing should stand in the way of that. You can do it. Whatever it is, I know you'll make it. 💙
Toda vez que me se sinto ansiosa, estressada e não consigo me concentrar, venho aos seus vídeos. O áudio me acalma, as imagens são sutis e isso me faz relaxar. Amaria ter um jogo ou anime com seus desenhos.
3 years on I always find myself returning to this one.
Lately, this has been my go-to playlist whenever I feel restless or stressed out. The beautiful music and the soothing rainy scene work wonders to calm my anxious mind.
I've probably been here 200 times since this was released. I'm so glad to have been here the day it came out, and glad to still be here. Thanks for the wonderful atmosphere Blue Turtle!