I remember in 2007 when I was working in real estate seeing people buy homes new from builders with the intention of selling before close of escrow to a new buyer for profit. The crash was so brutal and fast that I remember seeing a lot of these units foreclosed on with the builder plastic still on the carpet.
I had to look up what seller finance was. You basically sign a legal contract with the seller to pay them an agreed monthly repayment plus an initial deposit until the entire debt is paid off. Like a bank loan but with the seller.
"I made 20million from my first 40 deals and then started buying RE with no money". That is so helpful.
What an amazing interviewer. Props to these two investors of course, but let’s give props to these questions and the structure of this video. Great work!
This video killed it!!! The most in-depth detail I've seen by far. Every aspect of this particular video is impressive and professional.
Christian and Cody are awesome. Glad to see you feature them on this channel
Correction: Ben Mallah promotes selling your deals and tax differing the profits by rolling over it into a different property of equal or great value (1031 exchange). He does promote cash out refinancing if after running your numbers you make a 9% or more cap rate, because you never sold you do not get taxed on the proceeds of this event.
Phenomenal interviewer. Excellent questions. Thank you all for putting this together.
Christian and Cody's journey is a masterclass in the power of intentionality. Starting with limited resources but limitless vision, they've shown that real estate isn’t just about property—it's about people.
I saw this young guy years ago on biggerpockets, then on his YouTube channel. He is richier every year and I am always the same idiot watching videos and not taking action 😂
Great Interview!!! Nobody really dives into Scaling a real estate business. I feel like these boys dove into it a little bit. I found it very helpful. These guys are putting folks onto serious game..you just have to listen, take notes..and go apply this shit. These guys are incredibly bright people. I intend to follow their bull print. the ole saying is "it takes money to make money" ....well, them days are changing! Creative Finance is changing the game!
32:00 - he’s an introvert! Just had my 13 yr old son at a restaurant last month and he was too shy to go get a straw for his drink… his 4 yr old sister held his hand😂. I’m going to show him this video clip! Thank you so much for this, I’ve been wanting some inspiration for my son.
Great results so young, I also liked how easy colossis made updating my listing pics
High interest rates are the best times to go for seller financing if they’re a serious owner. Just have to find out who is legit trying to sell and who only has their property listed super high to see if they can cash out on the market. Don’t be discouraged by the ones who flat out say no or have aggressive terms on the seller financing
There is a guy here who started at 19 just as i was starting to get a two family. He was dealing with 3 million dolllar deals. I was like wtf. It is all about connections. Go meet with people who are doing what you want to do.
I don’t know anything about real estate, but doesn’t owner financing mean the owner has the deed until the loan is paid in full? If so, isn’t he 25m in debt?
amazing, i relate on a personal level with introversion i also training myself to become an articulate speaker building rapport with individuals finding solutions to problems. the insight of strategy and structure as always is invaluable
I liked the statement, “folks that leverage forever are always at risk.” I think this is especially true for floating rate loans where you are more susceptible to economic shifts, but regardless, having no obligations really does seem like the way to go. Yes, you’ll lose out on some of that upside, more so for value add and opportunistic, but you’re ultimately eliminating the risk of default.
Between Blackrock and smalltime investors like this i now understand what they mean when they say "you will own nothing and be "happy"