
When this "Modern Audience" said "this game is not for you!" they absolutely right because I prefer good game instead of this crap. 🤣🤣🤣


“It’s about the vibes…and less about gameplay”

It’s a video GAME, gameplay is kinda important.


"the visuals rung my bell " , yea rung my alarm to stay the f away from it


Notice how Sweet Baby infected games tend to have characters that look like the Sweet Baby owner 🤮


South of Profits.


They hired Snoop Dog as a model for this character?


"this time, it all goes south"


about stereotypical, it is how they think. you know, with ban on cultural appropriation and stuff, consciously or not, they want each race and skin color to stay on their line


It looks pretty stereotypical…they literally use the same character every time  with 1 of 4 hairstyles and different body types depending on how fat the creators are


Purple color tint all over. I notice the pattern already.


South of Midnight is a game I will never buy.


ShillUP is a well
Known progressive so his take here isn’t surprising. The moment anyone sees this game you knew it was going to be woke.


Never mind, it is Skill Up (my azz). He just released another suck off video for Once Human the other day. A game that has lost nearly 20k players a month for the past couple of months. What is Skill Up talking about. He knows nothing about Louisiana. He is the king of all shills. Amazing how he consistently gets about the same thumbs up on all his videos. Almost like he has a botting program spamming Likes on his videos.


The title has me laughing so hard. 🤣🤣🤣Getting wild with these. Haha

“Cmon Cuh! Buy ma game! Support the raised fists and be against the white male supremists!” 😂🤣


A female lead, and a black one at that.. For me to play a female, the game has to be really good, like stellar blade. This is none of those.


Canadian developer making a game about the deep south 🤦


When i hear deep south i think of Little Nicky.


i saw this one black guy on tictok hypeing this game up because of how "unique" it is. i guess he didnt know that the people making it where a bunch of white woke guys lmfao.


NO ENEMIES IN OPEN WORLD? WOKE PURPLE HUE? STOP MOTION?? nah im good, let the game sink in deeeeeeeeeeppp to the abbys like the rest


So the stop motion is their idea with low fps animations lol, it shows that how incompetent what they are doing right now. Lets see how "moderns audience" gonna buy this game.