Just want to say that you are doing such a great job. Your videos are simple, clear, practical and down to heart. I appreciate your content so much! Thank you, you are inspiring 😄
Beautifully styled living areas, thanks for all the helpful tips and information.🤗💐
Your channel is so lovely and your inerior design advice is very useful and helpful.
Your channel is so informative. You are engaging and fun to watch. Great job Liz.
Thank you for these tips. It helps to bring more focus to the overall design of the space. I've never been lucky enough to have greenery in my spaces as I have cats who think they make great snacks! Animals certainly bring an additional challenge to designing a space!
Great video, and I loved ❤ the relaxing background music you played!!!!! The 2/3rds rule really makes sense and makes the space look more balanced and put together. Thank you, Liz 😊
Love your videos! Easy to understand the steps to take in achieving a beautiful space
This was so helpful….thanks and I have subscribed.
Thank you!!
Love your channel! I've been a subscriber for some time now and always look forward to new videos. I have a challenge I'm currently dealing with and would love if you could do a video on it. We have a very large empty wall in our family room that needs *something*. It strikes me as far too expansive a wall (with a high ceiling, also) to just hang some artwork, and I'd love to do something with shelving or texture of some sort. Flat art on a large, flat, empty wall just seems too... well - flat! I'd love to hear your tips and thoughts on the topic. Thanks!
Good information.....I like your channel.....Just a thought: what if, instead of reading, you spoke more conversationally? This would give some more natural pauses in which to take in all the great tips you're giving.