If you put the water with the oil in the refrigerator for a while you can remove the oil as a solid. Instead of piping it off.
Hi there! Really enjoyed the video! I just wanted to comment and provide some advice to others out there that aren’t super familiar with the Chemistry. The apparatus being used in the video is basically a more ornate-looking steam distillation set up but the principle of steam distillation remains the same. If you don’t have the money to spend on the apparatus in the video, but you’d still like to distill your own essential oil, you could look into getting lab glassware for steam distillation (e.g. condenser column, round-bottom or Erlenmeyer flask, tubing, a receiving flask, and a dean-stark trap for easier separation of the oil and hydrosol). Glassware still isn’t cheap but, overall, it’s a cheaper option than the set-up in the video and it allows for other kinds of distillation as well other than just steam distillation. Hope this is helpful!
Amazing! I did not know you get such a small amount of oil from that amount of plants. I appreciate my oils now more 🥰
I was looking for a video about alcohol distillation from fruits, however, instead I found your video about essential oil distillation. Thanks for sharing your experience. I bought 10 ml of lavender and oregano oil in Greece and paid a lot of money for these two small bottles. Now I understand, how precious is each gram of essential oil.
The still is made by a Ukranian company called Copper Pro. They ship world wide and have a beautiful range of alembic stills.
If you don’t fail, you don’t learn! Great video Gal! I have always been interested in doing this. Thanks for the knowledge
If you don't mind, I have a couple suggestions. One is an electric heating coil so you don't have to have your stovetop running for 3 hours, though you might need to figure out a setup that works for you. Another is having a large container for water (around 1-200L should be fine) with your pump at the bottom to save on water long term. My last suggestion is having a little bit of tubing going from the still outlet to your little separator there instead of it dripping out and into a funnel. Saves some splashing and costs nothing. I'd also suggest drying your herbs before extraction, you should get a little more oil out I'm fairly certain. I enjoyed the video!
That is honestly the best setup I've seen available on Amazon. I am just getting into this and other herbal remedies such as tinctures, lotions, aroma therapy. I never thought about collecting the hydrosol. Thank you so much for sharing!
Ich finde: Exakt SO sollten Tutorials sein: konzis erklärt, sehr symphatisch "rübergebracht", mit erkennbarer innerer Anteilnahme, daher mit ansteckender Begeisterung, einfach prima, Chapeau! - I think that's exactly how tutorials should be like: concisely explained, very likeable "delivered across", with recognizable inner sympathy, therefore with contagious enthusiasm, just great, chapeau!
Ten years ago home made essential oils were almost unheard of. Now everyone can do it. I spent a fortune on Young Living products. Like the shirt. I consider Sasquatch to be an ally.
Casey, this was very enlightening! I had never even thought about how the oil was extracted from lavender, and I hadn't heard the term hydrosol until now. Thank you! ~Margie😍
This was so interesting! I bet your house smells amazing after your process. Thank you so much for sharing and lots of continued success in all your endeavors. Great job! 🥰
Please save water, put some frozen coolers on the bucket to keep water cool, but don’t waste it away. I found it interesting, a nice option to have home made essential oils and hidrosols. My next step is to learn the whole process that’s fascinating to me. I’m not sure but I think the best water to use for essential oil making is distilled water, might help with the preservation🙂
Nice video. I have had a glass distiller for about a decade but this one looks a lot better to have sitting around. You can just hook your faucet to the condenser on the still, it may use less water. You may check out essential oil separators, it has a small valve at the bottom to drain the water from the oil. The oil can also be frozen and then transferred to a new bottle and any water should be left behind as ice if you are careful, if you want to remove any residual water. Hope you don't mind the suggestions. They really are a lot of fun to experiment with. There are hundreds of plants you can put in there.
21 and I just started living life. I've been thinking about being as natural as possible and it's made me realize how much I just didn't learn while growing up. Things that are actually important when it comes to living. Got into this because I'm interested in herbal medicine. I read about how lavender, rosemary and a few other plants can be used as painkillers. I want my own garden eventually. Once I have the space because I still am living with my parents.
There is something about you that makes my heart so light and happy. Really helps watching your beautiful videos whilst in excruciating pain. Thank you. God bless.
Such a wonderful and informative video! I’ve always wanted to make my own essential oils, and this guide on harvesting and distilling lavender is exactly what I needed. The step-by-step process is so easy to follow, and I can’t wait to try it with other herbs in my garden too!
Its is so nice to see the joy and excitement you have with Distilling herbs. Thank you for sharing your happiness, you had me smiling all during this video. Smiles and Happiness, best Natural medicine for a person. Thank you, and please keep sharing your wonderful distilling progress. Blessings.
that is so awesome. I am jealous of that garden & that steam distiller!! I hope when you're "throwing out that extra hydrasol" that you're giving it back to those gorgeous lavender plants!! Thanks for sharing. I am on a mission!🌻