
Never know, the Gucci pen might have had an inexpensive refill in it already. You paid for the casing of the pen not the ink. Gucci doesn’t make ink as far as I know.


$99.50 for the gold plates , 50 cents for the ink.......


Its actually 

Case: 99$
Pen: 1$


Rae: terrified of breaking the pen
Also Rae: lights pen on fire

Pen: explodes


Imagine it stops working while you signing the contract

Tryna look rich but dayyuuummm


I would still lose the Gucci pen


Friends : what is your most expensive brand that you have?
Me : Gucci
Friends : a bag?
Me : no....a pen 🤣🤣🤣


Rae: I hope I don’t break it

Pen: explodes


Imagine how many burritos from tacobell you could have gotten with that $100 dollar bill.


I only clicked on this video because i didn’t know a Gucci pen existed and I wanted to see it lol


Jeffree Star has left the chat


Gucci pen:

Taehyung: ”I still have yet to achieve my final form”


i bet jeffree star has a WHOLE Gucci school set 😂


How tf are you able to talk about a pen for 16 minutes


imagine opening your bag and seeing spilled gucci ink


In my English class, my friends have this thing called ‘pen flexing’ where they will keep bragging about how many lamy (S) they have, or how expensive their pens are. It’s pretty funny, since I use quite affordable muji pens, lol.


pen explodes
me: well now you have 65$ worth of ink on your hands


Nightmare at school when the gucci pen gets lost at school


whips out a bic pen to sign the contract for a billion dollar company


No one:
Literally nobody:
Taehyung: have you summoned me?