Lmao “knock on the door just walk on through” 💀
This pro literally getting a lvl 6 in his lobby, how does that even happen, no wonder new players don't stick around
Thought the mozzies are ok still
"wham bam on the side"
Bro that was crazy he need make this type of videos more often 😂😂😂😂that shit had me rolling
There is no way he said wingman is one of the two worst guns in the game. Huge L take
Ngl these guns ain’t weak 😂. Just not your usual go to. I did pk and Re that shi was tuff
How is the wingman one of the worst guns in the game?
Wow never scene apex look so good.
Imagine smurfing and thinking your good😅
I get one Mozambique isn’t great but double Mozam op afff. That double mozam clip not that impressive cause double mozam’s like a wingman on crack literally
Damn it’s so cool seeing other ppl have fun on a game u know ain’t shiiii anymore 🤣imagine if new players got to experience seasons 2-5 it was the best time to be playing this bs
Does he thinks he is distric
Dude said the worst guns😭😂 Both akimbos are op since they came in the game wtf🤦🏻♂️🤦🏻♂️
all bots
Ngl this is how you get better at the game. IGL yourself and you’ll notice mistakes that you make and you’ll improve