Billy always makes he happy when I watch his videos,I hope he hits 1 million before the end of the year!
Billy: Dies from iorn golem Speedrunners: you suck just tower up 3 blocks.
billy: ten seconds into the video and im already selling out me: happily listening to billy
for Christmas, you should make presents out of 8 wool and a chest, that, when opened, spawn items
I love how he had respect for the guy who kept him living at the start ✊🏻
can we just appreciate how nice he was to that fan because he gave him stuff and the fact that he was still alive. good job billy
Imagine a uhc of all cutom crafts combined and everyone knows the XD
imagine being in the same game with shadowapples &’ you see in the first 2 minutes he dies...
Skeleton when they see a random person missing ever shot skeleton when they see billy: aimbot on
They’re probably going to be over powered LMAO
When everyone comments before actually finishing watching the video:
Shadowapples uploads Everyone commenting : I AM SPEED
no one absouloutly no one: billy in the next vid: FISH AMOUR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ayy Billy Died In the first 2 minutes, thats a record
Hey everyone! I hope you enjoy the holidays, stay safe, and have a nice day! God bless you! :D <3
me : hmm i wonder if i can do this.. me after vid: cool ima try me after trying: yeah nvm
The fact that Billy let the man who helped him to kill him is so nice
Love what you did at the end ❤️
Billy letting Cubux win was one of the most wholesome things i ever saw