I have it for six months now and I can't imagine myself shooting with anything else ever again. I love my Zf.
Definently would!! Mainly for the vintage look if it.
First camera I ever used was an FE and I absolutely love my Zf. I admit I got it because of the look more than anything else. Even got the retro 40mm lens
I use my ZF for all of my professional work! I absolutely love this camera!
Yes, I would use it all the time if I had one! It's the old Retro Look and has the features of an old film camera! Metal Body with the Dials on the Top!❤
I’ve owned my for 8 months and I’ve fallen completely in love with it over and over again.
can't wait to get this! I loved my fujifilm but i always wished it was full frame. This is the answer.
I would love to use one of these one day but for now my cheap affordable d80 does the job well 😊
I so much miss the controls of original SLR cameras. The digital controls on modern DSLRs make me feel like I'm operating a Xerox photocopier machine. I very much welcome these Fujifilm and Nikon retro models.
Just got the Z6iii. Might need to get rid of my two og Z6’s and add the ZF. Love the way that thing looks. The nostalgia. Also, the manual focus assist is 👌
I got one and I love it!!! Excellent.
This and the Fujifilm X-T100 & XV100! Such niche of cameras should exist! The only reason we bulked up cameras was because of the tech we rammed inside it. Though now we have those, but BETTER, FASTER, LIGHTER, AND COMPACT. Why not take advantage and revive classic styles? You know the masses love em! I hate canon for not even introducing atleast 1 camera that calls back their retro aspects; the eos-m system was perfect for that…
First camera I ever bought preordered and new. Have had 8 or so others and all used. But I fell on love with this thing. Not to mention my fuji x100v I bought used for 1100 was bloated to 1600 resale so I sold it to fund this
I loved all the shots
Just used it with the Grip and 180-600 in a sport competition in Athens ,It proved to be a very capable camera.
I got it when it came out and I love it. I had no idea it was controversial. I wish there were more small primes for it though
I know someone who loves this camera! I feel that Nikon is banking on nostalgia. I could be wrong. I shoot Nikon and have since 2008. I am on my 3rd DSLR, started with the D40 and have been shooting with the D750 since 2017. I don’t need a new camera, the one I have still surprises me with what it can do.
Zfc and ZF are great. Just got my zfc today
Been using for about 7mo. It’s fun, fast, great features, but man, the lens selection is not great if you want light and small - more f2 lenses. I would love to see Sigma fix this!