
where is the trilobite? You showed a trilobite to get me to watch something else?


Hilarious and informative, good job guys, you are the total package on space news with a bit of comedy 😁👍


I"it's not just good news for NASA  it's good news for everyone but especially NASA they could use. Win right now" dying 😂😂😂


That's beautiful. organic matter on Mars is just awesome.


How can they say putting people's lives in Jeopardy ain't that what we're doing anyways


Keep em comin´
Love that quality!


Love the imagery provided for the new shepherd flight lmao, great videos, thanks so much!


You can see the pet rock in perseverance’s wheel. It’s been there for months


The instrument that they didn't include on perseverance was one that would check for current life. Doing that would have solved the life on another world issue and validate the 1972 mission results.


I be long dead before NASA gets it's act together !!!!


Sorry, but that trilobite is outrageous. There have been no fossils found on Mars, showing an earth fossil is a poor idea.


"insertion into rectilinear" nice use of words


Guess we just found our first manned landing site.


Now this is a good space news channel


Every other "space news" site has said the BO capsule would only have had 9 T's. 9 G's is a lot different than 11 G's. Broken bones might be an exaggeration.


This might just be me but I feel like the narrator doesn't see Blue Origin in the most positive of light. XD


So Trilobites landed on Mars millions of years ago? We've obviously never given their highly advanced and sophisticated civilisation enough credit.


Love your comments on Dr. Evil... Lmao!


Is that it in the picture you've presented ?


Thanks for the news!