Points - 1)keep sperate books for different subjects 2) color code the notes based on different topics 3) use different color pen to make important terms to stand-out 4) use abbreviations and symbols 5) make "star sentences" #summary sentences for each paragraph 6)use coloured and labeled diagrams 7) different highlights for different aspects of the text 8)use post-it notes for something relevant... 9)use bottom space (usefully) for summary/questions 10)leave space in the margins to add info later
your handwriting should become its own font istg
I admire Studytee for the following reasons: 1~ She has awesome tips that really help me improve academically. 2~ Her handwriting seems so effortless and BEAUTIFUL!! 3~ Her voice, it's just so calming and unique, I love it. 4~ She's extremely over-achieving which I think is amazing. 5~ She's like a real-life Hermione Granger!!!!!! Like literally!!! They could be sisters!!
Who else think that her hand writing is satisfying !?!?!?!
teacher: talks with the speed of light Me: TRYING to take notes Also me: gives up and sleeps
Every you tuber: sorry I haven’t been posting guys, been studying for exams Studytee: sorry I haven’t been posting guys, haven’t been getting exams
you have amazingly... amazing handwriting. i thought you printed it out at first 😂
For those of you who don't want to watch the whole video (or don't have time): 10 Note Taking Tips 1. Keep a Separate Notebook and Workbook for Each Subject 2. Color Code your Notes based on Chapter Subject 3. Use a colored pen to make Important Terms stand out 4. Use Abbreviations and Symbols, and don’t worry about sentence structure or grammar 5. Make “Star Sentences’; A Summary Sentence for each paragraph of your reading material 6. Use Colored and Labeled Diagrams to better understand the material and avoid Unnecessary Writing 7. Use Different color Highlighter for different aspects of the Text 8. Use Post-It notes for anything relevant that you don’t want to write on the page 9. Use the bottom of the page for summary and questions! 10. Leave space in the margins for adding extra tips and important info long live studytee ! :p
Step 1: Have nice handwriting
She’s on a whole different level of organized
Make a "notebook tour" 😊 I love your notes, omg.
1:13 Is that handwritten notes? Your hand writing is goals😍😍
Dear , I am way impressed the way you organize your notes. You are blessed with a beautiful voice.Feel happy and proud.
I don't actually do these things because I don't have a nice handwriting I just watch it because her handwriting is S-A-T-I-S-F-Y-I-N-G
My notebooks would look like this if the teacher didn't switch slides quickly
I love your work! Im currently a new middle schooler ( 6th grade ). I always watched your videos in 5th grade and had no reason to use them because my classes were much different. But now that im learning all types of new things (I even wiggled my way into advanced math so im starting to need to write notes). One day ill try to buy all the things you use ( with my allowance ) and hope my penmanship gets better. Its actually pretty neat but the way yours looks printed is beyond amazing. I'll definitely rewrite my notes because my teachers might tend to talk fast ( currently in virtual ) when i go back to actual school. So I wouldnt have time to write neat and pretty. You're doing great and I look up to you a lot! I really hope you can read this! 💝❤
looks at her notes looks at my textbook Me : how do I differentiate?
Honestly, your writing is inhumanly neat. it's almost like a printed font. PS It's a compliment