“‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.’”
Last year I decided to quit the secular lifestyle and live a more traditional Biblical life and I’ve never been happier. Granted, the spiritual attacks are greater and more severe but I have God, Jesus, Mary, and the Saints protecting me. That is all I need to know I am loved.
Amen 🙏 Restless is the heart till it rests in God ❤
yup. The ONLY way I have ever healed myself from actually diagnosed depression & anxiety was by finding & then strengthening my relationship with Jesus & the church. I was medicated, sent to therapy, suffered alone, 'helped' by friends....only thing that fixed it was the Lord & finding out my true worth in His eyes.
Thank you Bishop for your insight!!! I am praying hard to stay focused on Christ Jesus, to come closer to Him, to become holier each and every day!!! God bless the body of your work!!!🙏🏻🙏🏻🎶🎶🍰🍰
I’ve learned this first hand. Thank you Bishop🙏
God bless you, dear Bishop Barron!
So true. There is a God shaped hole in our hearts and only He can fill it. I was depressed for a very long time after the death of my father but it was through my conversion to the Catholic faith that brought joy and meaning back into my life. Glory be to Jesus Christ.
Love it! What a beautifully precise perspective! It brings to mind the words of Jesus in the Bible: “But seek first the kingdom [of God] and his righteousness, and all these things will be given you besides.” (Matthew 6:33)
Amen. Depression as I retired, an retirement money owed me from work. And my good friend from work Mick Ran who had a stroke. I have prayed hard. Now I must sit quietly for the answer
So true. Dear Lord guide and bless us all so we can prosper more spiritually. Amen.
As usual, Bishop Barron is on point. Only truth sets us free and the first order is, The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom.
Thank you Bishop ...... Depression Too Will Lead You To ....... Ending Things . I I've had friends ...... several....... Lost Their Children To Suicide . We Need Spirituality So Much. Not Just Materialsm Like What You Said. Jesus Is The Answer To All Things, All Hurts ....😢
YEAH!! There's so freaking many miracles everywhere and it's so fun to catch them. Let us be joyful. Income is good, politics is whatever it is ( i think it's fun sometimes), and let us also have peace and joy and miracles and health and light and love in all its wondrous forms. Soli Deo Gloria indeed.
Thank you for these continued wonderful efforts, Bishop! The subject reminds me of what God said to His Apostles during the storm at sea. Which was kind of, what are you worried about? His Kingdom which includes His Church which includes God Himself and His invisible servants is actually doing a GREAT JOB, as it seems that those who mostly ignored Him most of their lives or maybe never really knew of Him before, are learning and joining the wonderful crew already in His Boat!
SPOT ON. You are right.
People must learn to know themselves better & deeper to understand their very needs. The Church keeps the vessel of Truth but it takes an inner job to understand the Truth. God bless all your endeavors Bishop Barron🎉
amen and amen pray pray pray for a change in hearts in the world in the culture in consumerism in resting values and integrity. Tell God to let the devil stop now his 100 year torment
While all this is technically true, it's important to note that depression is a clinically-diagnosed medical condition, and it can be harmful to imply "If you have depression, it's because you're not close with God" as if physical and mental wellbeing are correlated with piety. From my experience and the experience of many people of faith with depression, walking with God does not "cure" or "prevent" depression, but can give meaning to the suffering, can make the cross of mental illness more bearable, etc.