
you guys, it is best to study when you are hungry because you focus more. try it to see if it works for you. i suggest doing it slowly. what i mean by that is: dont eat in the morning. then work up the next level of not eating in the mornings and  afternoon. then level 3 is not eating in the night until you finished studying or any productive work you want to get done. think of food as your reward after getting the things you want done.


Study schedule :
Session 1 : chapter 2 <eng>
Session 2 :chapter 3 <eng>
Session 3_4 : chapter 3 <bio>
Session 5_6:chapter 4 <bio>
Session 7 :chapter 4 <eng>
Session 8_9:chapter 5 <bio>
Session 10_11_12 : chapter 6 <bio>


Somewhere 10 years down the line... when he would be married n would be speaking to his kids....

Ths is the proof I studied.... 🙄😅


im so sad, i fked up my exam yesterday.... watching this stream reminds me how much effort ive put in for the exam the past few weeks.


James u r too down to earth,, i have been following u past three dayss its just intresting... for sure i will be live.. wen ull be streaming next time ;)
James i wanated to know how to get into ur live discord while u be streaming live...


Truly inspired by you😍 i watch all your live videos as i do my work😀


Thaks for the stream james, finished a bit late today lol. Will be waiting for the next one^^


Is it just me who watches these streams recorded and follow his schedule and never comes live?


5:20 starting C:


When you eat foods.......man


awwww I love your voice, but what happened to your hair?;)




Aga napıyorsun ölürsün o kadar çalışma dldlldldllfl


Thanks for the motivation James


Ders mi çalışıyor bu ne yapıyor bu dedim yorum yapmamı yasakladılar neden ki sormam doğal hakkım sanki yorumlara yazamicam kazandırmayin böyle kişilere para falan


This dude stream study the most in youtube


I'm inspire by you 😇

