“Will it make you happy” why was that so sweet 🥺
Hands down best McDonald’s toy ever was the inspector gadget movie release toys that could be put together into a large inspector gadget action figure
Link exudes little brother energy. It is just hilarious. Also I did not grow up getting a lot of fast food toys but those Neopets make me HAPPY.
The Land Before Time puppets from Pizza Hut will forever be my favorite.
11:27 link saying “will it make you happy?” 😭😭😭😭 brb crying
As a millennial, im thankful for your crew 😂❤
Neopets is still around if anyone is looking to relive that part of their childhood! I still log in every day for 3 minutes to train my pet!
Link! Stop opening the toys! 😂
The nostalgia was STRONG on this one! I had a good majority of these toys, and the Rugrats watches especially were epic to see again.
I love them getting all into "the power of choice" when it has absolutely zero impact on anything lol it's all random chance if the boxes are identical and they don't get to assess the choices in any way
I remember the Rugrat watches. We had the one where it said "A baby's gotta do what a baby's gotta do".
Rhett has the most incredible luck with blind guessing.
11:04 I had to rewatch this part about 8 times 😭❤️ it was so cute, so wholesome
Slander! I loved Neopets.
oh my gosh that’s my wheel ending! i’m actually about to cry rn thank you so much ❤❤❤
Link just immediately grabbing and touching each toy Rhett opens
I remember A Bugs Life and Mulan characters, PS1 demo disks and flying dinosaurs or birds that balanced on your finger.
Rhett definitely switched the legos bc it would make link happy
Good mythical morning beasties 💐