
I’ve been doing them for 10 months.  I’m 53 and my 19 year old son got a cheap portable one for Christmas and got me hooked.  
I finally bought a nice $3k setup with a chiller.  I absolutely love it! 
I have back problems and this has helped so much.  I feel amazing when I get out every morning.


Man I love watching your videos. In an (online) world filled with people trying to catch your attention for their profits, you're one of the few channels that keeps it real. I am 26 years old but we have so much in common, both when it comes to personality, addictions, experiences, and spending habits; so when I watch your videos it's like having an older version of me telling me how to not fuck up while I'm still young, and as much as this might sound weird to hear from your side, I mean it in the best possible way <3 Thank you!

P.s. Still have not managed to even take a cold shower for a whole minute.


I’m 61 and just started this 3 weeks ago. Now my husband and boys are doing it! I feel so much better and sleep better since doing these. It’s helped with my arthritis- that’s the biggest reason I will keep doing it. I’m good at 59°. Not really doing any colder than that…. Well not for a while.


Great video. I've been plumbing 8 months now. Body feels stronger, mood better. The first 20 seconds suck but the euphoric feeling after. Wow....
Bought a sauna too so now have the complete cold hot set up. I'm living the dream😁😁


Dude I’ve been cold plunging for about 2.5 weeks now. I feel all the benefits you’re talking about man! I love it, will be doing it almost daily forever! LFG


Without a doubt the best video I have watched on cold plunging - broken down perfectly. Thank you sir


You are spot on! I have a clod plunge in my bathroom, hit it  between 39 & 42 degrees in the am & have put ice packs into it to get it colder that's a pain & agreed, it didn't give me more of the great results I had been experiencing. But reps did. Plus had to drain water out for displacement. Don't always like getting in, but man, great feelings when I'm done. The results show up in my blood test. Lowering A1c at my age (67) keeps me way from type 2 diabetes & many other issues. Been doing c plunges for over 2 years now, with a break when on vacations. Just AWESOME! Do repetitions on occasion for a challenge. Jesse Coomer has very valuable information. Anyone looking into cold plunging wants to read his stuff. Highly recommend. Very important!


I was having cold showers for a few years.  In the winter I went to the local reservoir.  The water temperature was 7˚C.  Biggest body shock I've ever had in my life.  I thought the cold showers would have made it easier for me, couldn't believe how extreme it was being in water that cold.  Need to get a setup so I can easily do it regularly.


I just did my first cold shower today, everything locked up, I felt like I was gonna pass out, but I breathed through it, until the tension melted away, until the water felt WARM, I felt tingly, I used WIM HOF's method of breathing to activate my vascular system, I felt so good I walked back home in the rain, with just my shorts and tshirt. I felt warm, couldnt feel the cold.my hands were WARM, in the cold rain! I now still feel warm, tingly, and very, very calm. I think Ill do this everyday til I die too now :-D


This is a phenomenal video, I'm 20 days into cold plunging and feel the exact same benefits as you mentioned in this video. Really appreciate how you gave your honest opinion and didn't try to make it sound like your experience is the end all be all. Seem like a chill dude and you code too, good stuff!


One of the best short and to the point videos I’ve seen on this topic. You do a great job of giving the viewer a realistic idea of what to expect and how to do it. 🙏


Although I have slacked for the last couple of weeks here on vacation, I have taken ice cold showers for the last eight years every day and it has changed my life.. less anxiety, less stress and less depression... almost none. Don't underestimate cold showers My shower is 55 degrees and it does wonders.


If you live in Colorado or some place that is cold, your shower water becomes cold as ice near winter.  It's below 30 outside right now and I've taken ice showers with something I made years ago in Florida, and this is colder, and I can stay in it for more than a few minutes since there is no melting ice.  Sitting in a tub of ice water can be cold, but if you stay inert and don't move the temperature of the water right around you warms up.  Keep moving to keep the water circulating to get maximum cold.


I love my plunge. I've been doing it 2x daily. I've noticed several benefits & am a true believer


Great video, Dorian! I completely agree with everything you said. I did my first ice plunge today, and after I got out, I was amazed at how much my mood and energy levels improved. Getting in is the toughest part, but the benefits are incredible. Thanks for this helpful video! For anyone still uncertain after watching, trust me—it’s exactly as Dorian described. I’m all in for doing this daily. I started at 55°F for 9 minutes, and I feel fantastic tonight! GO DO IT!


Hey Dorial, love this vid! Can you make an ice bath guide for beginners? Maybe you also have some tips for those who have just an ordinary bath in their homes.


Agree with everything you say here. Been doing this for 10-months. I've had the same results. Thanks for the confirmation. Ice plunges for ever!


3 car accidents fractured neck injury  herniated lower discs played football for 8 years ICE plunge changed my life


Nice setup, I started 3 years ago with breathwork and icebaths… now i have a wim hof barrel 500litres. With a coolcube 2 cooler. Constant 2 degrees celcius. 5 minutes a day keep the doc away;)


Getting your kids in there is so good, awesome job man!!