
Everyone's talking about the lightning gun but I am in awe at the revelation that there is an underground technopunk organization dedicated to constructing as many man-made robotic horrors as possible before the police show up


"Honey, why is the neighbor's car on fire?"

"Uh, the electronics inside were adversely affected by a plasma channel."


"Why did I build this?  See, back in the day when I casually built technological, knife-wielding horrors, I had this idea..."


realizing this is from 8 days ago and not 8 years ago was a genuine shock, this absolutely feels like some insane thing from old youtube. Amazing video!!


"It looks like doubling the energy had an effect" is one of the greatest deadpan lines I've ever heard.


"The electronics hidden inside the TV were adversely affected by the plasma channel."  That line just doesn't get old.


I don’t know what’s crazier: the fact that this exists or the backstory the guy drops.


Gotta respect the time and dedication to this project. It might've taken 30 years, but being able to shoot lightning bolts like Zeus is timeless!


ITS BACK! I would love to film this in slowmo.


I can't believe this channel has been around for almost 15 years and it was only this week that YouTube decided to show everyone one of the hardest videos known to man


"The answer? Use pulse power. And if that doesn't work, use MORE pulse power!" Spoken like a true Engineer.


7:34 "Our meter here only goes to 200 thousand..." The meter proceeds to go past the maximum measurement of 200kV.


It's back! Hopefully for good this time, this deserves its spot in the halls of Internet History.



Sir, you’ve just won the lottery. Please, come with us.


Glad to see this back! Also happy to see my exploding onion video in here.


"When I lived at Survival Research Labs". They don't just hire people. With the hours you work, you just stay on site and sleep in break out rooms at night.

Awesome video! Thanks for sharing. Would like to see it vs one of those gel dummies they use in Forged in Fire.


if this guy went on a dr doofinsmirtz arc it would be the end of us all


I'm so happy to see that the coolest science project on YT is back! I'm astonished by how violently that CRT TV popped. That's a great example of how enough electrical power can turn anything into pyrotechnics.


WE ARE SO BACK and more powerful than before!


You made the unholy lovechild of a TOW missile and a sci-fi plasma cannon.  You are either a genius, a lunatic or, someone who has had nothing better to do for the last 40 years. In short i love it.