
Whenever Billy says "no no no no NOOOOOO" it makes me sad. Be happy Billy.


Idea for an upcoming video: Minecraft UHC but everyone is huge/humongous/gigantic...


This is actually an interesting idea ngl, could be a custom LTM for Hypixel


Billy saying "Combo Me" actualy makes him win a pvp idk why


Billy: uploads

Homework? Yeeted.
Food? Yeeted.
Other videos? Yeeted.
Hotel? Trivago.


Your content never ceases to amaze me. Always new ideas and new gamemodes. Keeping me entertained. Keep working!


Billy’s channel in a nutshell: Minecraft but..


This channel in a  nutshell: I’m going to build the best bed defense ever.


Billy: Let’s pretend to be in a crafting table bc I know my bed wont get broke.
Billy’s bed: We’ll see about that...


I fcking love the performium server... It has sooooo many games! Thanks for making my quarantine better Billy! :D


Dis sum good content ngl


I cant stop watching your videos for a while now


You should make it, so if someone breaks your bed, the bed will turn into a mob and attack that person. Like in one of Fundy's vids.


Me : sees Billy uploaded a video
Also me : Yes this is gonna be a C R A Z Y  C R A F T I N G  T I M E


Billy's favorite line before a bedwars video
We are on the ________team today


DUDE you make me laugh soooooo much LMAOOO


Also,can we all just appreciate the fact this channel is so amazing and brought us through happy and sad times?


The return of TOTEMS-APPLES!


ShadowApples in a nutshell:

Today I used every mean possible to destroy my enemies and I failed even though I never left creative mode


I can’t believe billy is almost at 700k. The video was so funny when they tried to break Billy’s bed 😂