In the same vein of "if a tree falls in a forest and nobody hears it, does it make a sound", I ask "if DogDay dies and Spiff is too busy clipping into the boss fight, does he really die? "
for offscreen deaths, devs should make the models do a dumb dance or spin in a t-pose so people can get out of bounds and its hilarious
now that spiff is oob, he can look up more easily
4:43:25 My 2nd ever stream and he answered my question! I’m so happy! I told my entire family… they didn’t care, but I was proud.
Unrelated to the video but i just had the realization that Ollie is probably Elliot, the owner of Playtime. He's like the only one that calls the Center a "cool place".
1:54:08 The devs could've just teleported you to some distance far in the void, disable your movement then change the skybox to those images. Then add a warp effect for some detail.
Holy crap I was taken aback when I mistook this for a video and immediately you started talking about that exact topic
Disagree with the idea that the Huggy-lookalike in the Hour of Joy isn't Kissy. She only attacked the people experimenting on her while everyone else went berserk and killed freely.
I love watching his poppy playtime streams and watching that one clip where he got the 28 stab wounds audio bass boosted into his ears in chapter 2 😭
15:57, Vhs Player narration! 22:03, Why speedruns will be short. 34:50, The underground tunnel. 42:40, TV Huggy.
2:39:05 for people who only like watching him speedrun
I hope next time I see spiff play chapt 3, he replaced the hour of joy video with something hilarious and poppy still watches it with horror
Spiff you promised
Bubba: Spiff I remember you’re prototypes
He probably won’t see this but it make sense that the prototype is ollie/grimic I believe there’s a VHS interviewing it and it’s mimicking the voices and mimics the interviewers voice at the end
cool, and of Course every chapter has a crap ton of bugs, well maybe not a crap ton of bugs, anyways nice video! i still think chapter 3 is probably the best but people tell me its full of puzzles
4:50:57 i love how around here everyone started donating Elliot plink messages
The yellow barrel is 100% named Carol
blindfolded dog chase, teacher doll speedrun