Good thing you added that extra S. Magneto would not like to be called SS.
@7:20 to everyone: you can NOT absorb “most of a punisher ult” in fact you can only absorb it for like 1 second before the meteor explodes. Bc of this, if you want to counter-ult punisher, insta-throw the meteor where ever you want it as soon as punisher starts to shoot at you/within your ult radius.
One comment you didn't touch on about Good Magneto's vs. Bad Magneto's I would add is that Good Magneto's take stock of what characters the enemy team is using as soon as possible, and then starts planning their rotations around it. In example, if I see an Iron Man, I'm usually saving/timing my ult to catch his (shield if I can, sure, but they start flying behind your team eventually), and then using it to punish their healers with the charge. Or if I see a Wolverine, I'm no longer throwing my bubble out on rotation to me or my best DPS up with me, but am instead saving it to counter Wolverine Kidnappings so that I don't get insta-killed when the Wolverine eventually kidnaps me. Same with my team, you mentioned enabling a Wolverine on the front line, but a bubble is also great for enabling a Wanda ult (making her much more viable to be on the team with the team up) or a Punisher Ult since he's so slow moving and easy to delete. Keeping all your options in your head at the outset, and then seeing who is performing well and is worth extra-enabling can often be the difference in losing or winning a match as Mag.
18:52 clip is hilarious because as he says bad magnetos tend to pop their ults randomly he showcases himself doing the same exact thing before struggling to find the Luna ulting and then proceeded to miss when a punisher was right in front of him lmfao
I wanna point out that the scarlet witch team up is not necessary to magneto but it is very valuable to have. It turns your primary attacks into infinte range projectiles with no damage fall off that can deal 95 dmg on direct hits. If you do magnetos primary> alternate fire> primary combo, while the team up is active you can busrt down a target for 280 dmg from across the map.
There were two things I noticed 1) In Mills gameplay there were a lot of mistakes with the bubble, he's using it way too much in his fights and at the wrong times. The only reasons you should be bubbling yourself is if you're in immediate risk of death, so when you're around 200-300HP when you have supports around, when you want to deny CC abilities like Wolverine's leap, or when you want to burst down an enemy really quick by giving yourself an additional 3 charges after the bubble break, but that's something only done when you can't finish a kill otherwise and there's no risk of CC or death. 2) The Metallic Curtain abilities is deceptively on a 3 second cooldown. It says 3 seconds but its more like 6 seconds, the bar on the right indicates how long you can hold the curtain up for, and it does not fully replenish in the 3 seconds meaning if you used the cooldown, when it comes back you will only be able to hold it up for a split second rather than the max amount. The curtain is your main ability and can block CC like Bucky from hooking you, just make sure to time it right because Bucky's hook lasts longer than your curtain.
7:40 For Magneto Ultimate another tip is that when you ult a number appears below your reticle to show how much the meteor can absorb before blowing up, up to 100, so between the timer and the counter you can make sure you don’t pop the bubble
I was on to magneto from season 0. People kept saying he was worse than strange but having an infinite health shield that can be up a quarter of the game, an anti dive shield thats at least an entire squishies healthbar and charges his mag canon, an ultimate that counters support AND projectile ultimates. However for how good magneto is, it becomes painfully evident when your team isnt pulling their weight 😂
PERFECT timing with this video! I've become obsessed with Magneto lately, he's got a tool for most situations but he's also got a pretty high skill ceiling since he has so much responsibility.
Also keep in mind his shield doesn’t just block. It nullifies. So if an iron man ult hits it, it just vanishes. You mentioned that as ‘randomly deleting’ but it’s just total nullification. If you sit there and watch a squirrel girl shoot your shield, the projectiles never explode. You’ll just have 5 normal acorns stuck to the front of it.
Whenever I'm on tank, I always play Magneto or Dr Strange, and I love seeing an enemy Iron Man when I'm Magneto so I can just absorb his ult and drop a super powered rock on his supports.
Magneto MY GOAT. He's actually so good man, my main
Bro made a magneto guide just for everyone in the comments to teach him how to actually play magneto 😂
Magneto is a character that takes defense and turns it into offense, he counters so many offensive abilities but can even counter defensive/ support abilities like killing a C&D during their ult.
Mills. Used to watch all your OW content. Now as a magneto pain, I’m happy to see ur doing marvel content now
I’d like to clarify that in my interpretation of the damage, if you hit at max radius you would only be doing 20 damage not 75. If 35 damage is direct, then not getting a direct hit would mean you’re only hitting spell damage from the blast. If i’m wrong please correct me, that’s my interpretation
I wanted to learn meg for a while now and your helped me a lot I struggle with tank being a dps first but learning support to try to be helpful thanks
Step 1 to be a Magneto main: shout "TO ME, MY X-MEN" at the start of the match Step 2: the enemies should FEAR MAGNETO!
9:08, I love how the other Magneto was basically doing the exact thing you said lol