
Happy New Year Day for the New Year of the world.


This game was unironically amazing. I love the story and characters, the way each gun has a different personality. It’s just so good and the mechanics are really fun


this guy is one of those plat YouTubers that can actually crack jokes and make me laugh


Watching this in 2025 because it’s coming to PlayStation plus


Is it just me who was actually getting into the fake game at the beginning before the sister knocks on your bedroom door?


Brilliant video, im currently doing the High on Life 100% as well and i'm enjoying it so far!


What better way to cap off 2023 than with another banger platinum run. In the future I'd love to see you try horizon forbidden west, and/or Generation zero (if you wanna "have fun")


no better way to start 2024 than with a IIusion vid


4:24 I actually liked n subbed hearing it 😂


Most underrated game in existence and it's like one of the best games that exist right now.


Glad that you uploaded a vid for this platinum. This game is something else lol


Let’s go 🎉 keep making video’s man love it 😊


Hearing the music that plays at 8:25 makes me want to go play one of the best Star Wars games


"Call Your Loved Ones
 Hey, you got all the trophies. And that’s great. But people have been asking about you. Are you okay?"


W video normally people are boring but this vid was genuinely entertaining definitely subscribing after that


15 hours at alien strip club had me rolling 😂


74 platinum trophies????? That’s insane


Just got the platinum tonight, absolutely hilarious game. 😅


Didn’t even know this game came out on ps5 I have to check this out 🌟


Blue? Really? Red is clearly hotter.