Clair qu'elle déchire cette version! Pour moi c'est les 2 meilleurs guitaristes fusion de la planète
This is a great vehicle for Greg and Richie to do their thing.
yes !!! de supers musiciens à fond !!!
holy shit i swear to god i would freakin go through the roof if i saw those 3 play together
excellent picture!
mind blown at 2:20 mark.......fawk ya! boots cover ever
1000% agree with that
greg howe has style
Hi I'm Tom shrine I went to school with Greg we actually played together a few times prior to Greg. Playing awesome I went to his site for a talk session with him little some hackers followed me there and took down many of his devices I sure hope he dont think. It was me I'm innocent do that kind of conduct. Strange but true. Ok by for now
the guy in the middle looks like Guthrie Govan
@johnbambammorgan greg howe drum programming (tracks 1, 3, 5, 7, 9). Atma Anur (tracks 2, 4, 6, 8, 10)
new g3!!should be govan. howe, kotzen!!!
A bit noisy. Should have been a bit more thoughtful with the soloing.
too bad govan music sucks