
Una Dominicana en España escuchando buena música 💯🇩🇴


Qué temazos! Esta es música que llena el alma. Felicitaciones y gracias.


najlepsze lata juz nie wruca😪


Un vrai voyage musical à travers les décennies ! Ces artistes ont fait du soft rock un genre incontournable.


"I wanna know what love is,I want you to show me" what a wonderful line there.......Till date, the best evergreen songs


This music reminds of my late parents❤❤❤😢 But I thank God for continuing to  over us🙏


GRACIAS x llevarnos a este hermoso viaje del tiempo!!!


Top of the pops at work evening shift listening to this song and buzzing it went to number 1 a sweet moment with a resident and myself Elton John 🎉


To the person who is scrolling down with the hopes that there just might be a message that can bring you hope and joy please know from the deepest parts of my heart that I love and cherish the perfection that is you in this exact moment. Feel the Divine Love of the Universe healing you and wrapping its arms around you even in your loneliest of times you are still loved unconditionally. I pray that you who are reading this not only become but also feel as blessed as you truly are. Sending light and love to the entire Universe. Be blessed in all things.


Muito bom, ouvir músicas,que marcou nos ano 70 80 e  90 e está muito presente em nossas Memórias 🎉🎸❤️🎉


This past few years, I've listened mostly to music that helps to relax, sleep (432Hz. 528Hz and more), be motivated and love it so much, but it's been such a pleasure to get into this music with Elton John, Phil Collins, et al. once again.  I believe it all started with Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper not too long ago . . .WoW - all of these artists are the greatest performers ever.  I feel so blessed to get back to music I used to enjoy so much, but it hasn't exactly been out there packaged together or I didn't know about it. ....thank you so very much to be able to listen to a great series of music by various artists..  Peace, Light & Love  🕊 ☮ 🕯 💟


Gracias por compartir esas bellas e inolvidables canciones ,una época de oro 💯


These are great songs, all the memories!!


Un viaggio nostalgico attraverso le indimenticabili melodie che hanno segnato le nostre vite! 🎶 Elton John, Lionel Richie, i Bee Gees, Phil Collins e i Foreigner hanno creato delle vere e proprie leggende del soft rock e delle canzoni d'amore che ancora oggi ci toccano nel profondo. Ogni brano è una testimonianza di un'era dorata della musica che, nonostante il passare degli anni, continua a emozionare. Un tributo meritatissimo a questi artisti straordinari! ❤


❤ I'm listening I'm only 45 years old and I love these songs


Solo escuchar musica megusta


Popolna zbirka za vse ljubitelje klasičnega soft rocka! 💖🎶 Skladbe, kot so Your Song od Eltona Johna, Endless Love od Lionel Richieja in How Deep Is Your Love od Bee Gees, so resnično brezčasne. Vsaka pesem v tej playlisti nosi svojo čarobno romantično energijo, od čustvenih balad Phila Collinsa do nepozabnih ritmov Foreignerja. 💫 Če iščete soundtrack za romantične trenutke ali preprosto želite uživati v klasičnih ljubezenskih pesmih, je to pravi seznam! 💑




Takes me back to the beautiful days l shared in my youth time. So innocent in the old days. Nice to have lyrics for us to sing along. Tq guys .


Bons tempos que não tinha um comercial bem no meio da musica.