
Jordan is really getting comfortable. His tricks and tips were great in this video compared to previous 3 level videos. Especially for a beginner to learn some new stuff


I can be completely honest and say I've been binge watching these guys. I really like this beginner, intermediate and pro level builds


Never in my life have I enjoyed watching men play with their wood. Thank you gentleman for this entertaining video and for showing us what a real professional can do with their wood.


The beginner one seems the most modern looking. With just a bit more time spent on it, it would easily fit the aesthetics of some modern uber-expensive home


am I the only one who liked Jordan's the best? just the minimalist design looks so good.


I really like how Jordan uses more DIY/Hobbyist tools for his build, get a better idea of what you can accomplish with the different levels of tools you may have.


John, "Jordan, you're doing the beginner object! Get to it!"
Also John, "Jordan, get Miss Piggy running and CNC the templates Sam and I need to look awesome!"

Are we sure Jordan's the "beginner" here?


I like the middle one. I am surprised you did not follow a more traditional form, but then again, it is you. They all work.


IMO the rocking chair is a game changer. Lots of other plans out there just sit flat, comfort level and selling value go way up! 🔥 🔥 🔥


Am I the only one who likes the beginner best and the expert least?


Jordan wins it for sheer simplicity clean lines and easy buildness. Sam wins it for great looks super sexy curves and clean execution. John wins it for sheer pomp and brass. Great vid, great variety, no winners or losers.


All look awesome. But the beginner still looks the best. 🤟


Jordan doesn't get to do templates on his build but hes the one who makes the templates for the other two


Jordan's section is getting super good.


if jordan wasnt in these videos i wouldnt watch them lol


Intermediate was the real winner here.  But wow, that Pro chair is huge!!! lol


All levels look great, more Bear in future videos, he was the real star today.


Love that you guys are offering up the CNC plans and templates.  Very cool.  Great summer time build.


♥️♥️♥️ Bear !


Amazing chairs! Also we need more bear!!!!!!