What a heartbreaking ending. Oh btw, love that spider sense scene.
1:19 Bully Maguire is so OP he destroyed that stone with 1 punch. 1:50 and he also has a screeching attack to instant kill a zombie
That's why Bully Maguire is a Bully,he lost his dog😔✊
This is actually really good like I was surprised on how well edited it was
The most tragic scene I’ve ever seen, Bully Maguire lost part of his soul😖
Should of named the dog Harry & then add the part when bully screams "Harryyy!" right before it died.
My god dude. a masterpiece full of crazy editing! It definitely shows that you put a lot of effort into it, who knows how many hours! Unreal, great work :)
I love that when he gets there, there’s pretty much no one to bully and he is finally at peace. But the Spider-Man writers came back and said “We can’t let him get a happy ending because that’s not aloud.”
still got the memories....🥺
Damn.. the bee part and skeleton was just too fitting ! I love it! Right when I thought there would be no more good of this stuff left , u proved me wrong ! Good job! Well edited Amazing idea 💡
1:53 that was brilliant
Nooo, not the dog! Bully found somebody he truly loved, and lost it 😭
It’s always the way he runs or hits things that get me
This is such and underrated masterpiece. Didnt expect it to be this good, nice job.
Zombie: breaks down door Bully: You'll get your brains when you fix this damn door!
Над чем плакают девочки:Титаник Над чем плакают мужчины: 2:25
0:44 it's so cute 🥺🥺
The true origin of Bully Maguire…
I love how aggressive he is in chopping wood and killing cows