“Slapped-Together” lol. If you want to see slapped-together I can start a YouTube channel that really showcases SLAPPED-TOGETHER 😂
Love the Chomps product placement, especially with the first one I noticed at 4:35. 😂
Just called my local distributor of Formica products. A 4' x 8' sheet of that Formica Compact (S7 - 3/4") is $828 🤯 10% off still won't be enough for me to buy some, although it does look *amazing*. Nice build!
Your 'temporary' shop is looking really nice!
The thing I really like about taking time to make “nice” shop furniture is that it’s just good practice. It’s intimidating to get into wood working - but if you screw something up getting your shop organized first - you’ve learned something while not ruining a project that needs to be perfect
Those are some REALLY nice tables. Overkill or not, call it what you like, it's your shop, they're your tables and it's your video. We all sat here and watched it, so none of us can complain about how you did it. After all, it's your shop and they're your tables. ...but I already pointed that out.
Been watching your vids for a few years now. I’m a carpenter from Australia and always get a laugh and learn some new things. I just purchased the bourbon blade and shirt combo. Thanks for the great content.
As a novice (now possibly intermediate?) woodworker, shop furniture components were my first build. Cheaply constructed, but admittedly good practice. Now that I'm deep into the hobby, building 'nice' shop furniture seems the natural progression. Great build, and about the right size for my shop.....looking forward to starting the upgrade project!
I love the tables! I have been struggling on what to do with an outfeed table for a while now. This is exactly what I need to to do. Thank you for all the inspiration. I'm currently working on getting my garage workshop organized and functional again after building a new house almost 5 years ago.
Very nice project. The new space looks amazing. Love the casters. As someone who has limited space, being able to move things around really helps. Great for clean up as well.
The absolute nicest outfeed tables I have ever seen.
Sweet! Huge fan and definitely need to do something similar for my shop. Small shop builds are my favorite!
I'm excited to see more small shop furniture like this!
Appreciate you sharing your idea for this AWESOME outfeed table! Just a note for anyone wondering how to build this, still have it look fine and function well, but for a lot less cash. Just use 2x4 lumber for the legs and rails. If you want the hearty legs like are so well demonstrated here, just rip the curved ends off the 2x4 and glue 2 of them together. You can skip the bottom panel if you are using traditional side mount drawer slides. And to skip the extra step of miter slots to be cut in the top, just calculate your height to be just below the miter slot height in your table saw. An outfeed table doesn't need to be the exact height of your saw if that is all you are using it for. It's going to "catch" the stock as it comes through and isn't going to "drop" with less than inch of difference anyway. You can always make it 3/4" shorter if you occasionally want to use it in conjunction with your table saw as an assembly combo table. And I love the idea of the bar magnets for holding tools on the side. Save some cash and head by HF for those. They are less than $5 each and are often on sale for $2-$3. And you don't need the table top fasteners for the top since it's not going to "flex" if it's a plywood top (which is what us normal people are going to use). Just pocket hole it or use some cheap L brackets. It's a top. It's not going anywhere. Not bashing this video. GREAT process, description and awesome build. Just looking at it more economically for those of us that would like to go that route. Oh, one more thing that isn't mentioned with this build: since this is going up against your table saw, you will need to look at accommodating your dust collection hose and possibly mobile base for clearance. Otherwise you are going to drop all this cash, effort, and time on this build. You are going to be JACKED excited when you realize all the space Bourbon just helped you acquire.........and then a SLEW of 4 letter words are going to start flying out of your pie hole when you realize that it won't come close to rolling right up to the back of your table saw!!! You're welcome! 🙂
Looks like fine furniture to me...I love it/them! Would make an awesome kitchen island.
Work of art
Tape measure going for a ride at 11:39 hehehe. Nice tables!!
I think this is my favorite outfeed table I’ve seen yet. I love that you have two. I love the black. I love that they latch together. Great build. I’m also really glad you showed those casters. I’ve seen some before but I couldn’t remember where and the whole time you kept moving them I kept thinking…. I need removable casters.
Can we just take a moment to acknowledge that you're the first YouTube woodworking personality to get a new table saw that ISN'T a SawStop in at least the last 5 years?