
last video of 2020 - just wanna say thanks for the insane support this last year. I started off 2020 with 100k and now we're almost at 800k it's pretty mental. Cheers and hope everyone has a good new year !!!!!!!!!!


Minecraft bedwars but my bed teleports every time someone hits it


Billy! Great job on winning your first first game


Billy: Wins a normal Skywars game

Everyone's brains: Explode


He wins the first round LEGIT but loses the 2nd round with unfair plugins wow


Billy at 1:33 "There's no circles in this game!"
The guy he's chasing: Enderpearls away
Billy: Doesn't notice anything and keeps chasing him
Me: He just proved you completely wrong my guy- ender pearls are circles 😂


Happy new year billy, loved finding u and all the other guys I found this year, congrats on the legit win. Was very happy to see that and am looking forward to the rest of your hardcore series on your secondary account


Me: *watching Dream SMP*
Billy: *uploads*


POV: Billy wins a legit game


Billy when he enchants: UWJWUAIIWUELOO


"Billy The God Won A Normal Game"

Quote for Billy 2020


4:01 LETS GOOOOOOOOOOOO, good job, congrats, you finally did it billy


Billy technically won fairly twice, cuz he won the normal game and the game where everyone knew about the secret


Congrats Billy on winning the first game


Billy : why people likes to blow up this tower.
Also billy : blows it with flame bow.


"Skywars but the players know the twist and billy doesn't, RIP in advance


Skywars but Billy actually wins a game normally.


NICE THIS SOUNDS FUN. hopefully shadow doesnt run put of ideas, or else imma die of boredom


Great job billy

You finally won without twists


“Minecraft bedwars, but you can hire a wither”